World Series songs?

Thread: World Series songs?

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  1. bravesgurl500's Avatar

    bravesgurl500 said:

    Angry World Series songs?

    Ok, at the very end of the world series when they were rolling the credits and showing videos. They used two songs in the videos, does any one know what they were. I cant remember anything about them but I was just wondering If anyone else heard them and knew what they were?
  2. Blind Terry said:



    I definitely remember the 1st song's being "Radio Nowhere" by Bruce Springsteen and the E Street Band... (from album "Magic" released in early Oct.)
    I know I recognized the 2nd song as well, but it escapes me at the moment.
  3. bravesgurl500's Avatar

    bravesgurl500 said:


    Thank you sooo much! The 1st one is my fav! : )