Goodbye to You...

Thread: Goodbye to You...

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  1. Musicgirl826 said:

    Default Goodbye to You...

    I want the song Goodbye to You by the Scandals, but I want the version that the woman sings on the cotton commercial...can someone help me out? Much appreciated!! =)
  2. musicgirl_28 said:


    Check out this link

    "“Goodbye To You” Scandal Cover song produced by Jonathan Florencio - Face the Music, NYC vocals by Lizzy Seich for Cotton Inc. commercial for new tagline, “What are you wearing?” and “Goodbye Mystery Fabric”"
  3. lollipop's Avatar

    lollipop said:


    Isn't it, that a singer named Lizzy Seich singed it for that commercial, but she singed only one part of that Scandals-song (the one in commercial), and it is not released, as single?

    As my reply here is based on info, provided on different sites of internet, then if someone has other kind of info about having a full version released by Lizzy Seich, please do correct me

    Edit: Hello, musicgirl! Didn't see your reply. *waves*
  4. Musicgirl826 said:


    Thanks! Soo...apparently the singer of it on the commercial didn't release it as her own remake? In other words, I wouldn't be able to buy it on Itunes?
  5. lollipop's Avatar

    lollipop said:


    Ohh, I just noticed, your both are by nicknames musicgirl For a moment i got confused.

    I don't even find anything on that singer on google.
    And no, she is not in i-Tunes.

    Sorry, but this is all, I have information for, as search engines doesn't seem to know this girl, and who she is.
  6. musicgirl_28 said:


    I wasn't able to find any other info about Lizzy Seich either.

    By the way welcome to the forum Musicgirl826
  7. Musicgirl826 said:


    Thanks, musicgirl =)

    And thanks to you too, lollipop. Sorry for all the trouble.
  8. Qu33n+Binc said:


    DARN... i liked it too ;-( do any of you know who song the song to the tide commercial a while back... "baby boy is now a man...
  9. lollipop's Avatar

    lollipop said:


    in tide commercial: Christina Saldanha - My Little Man is what I found googleing around.
    But Vette, our Moderator, has other info, saying, that it is Torri Griffin, and here is post: