Sad, Lovely, Beautiful girl on stage . . . ?

Thread: Sad, Lovely, Beautiful girl on stage . . . ?

Tags: 1998, lullaby, shawn mullins, solved
  1. Gundark's Avatar

    Gundark said:

    Default Sad, Lovely, Beautiful girl on stage . . . ?

    I have this horribly vague memory about a song that was popular some time ago -- I think later than 1995, and earlier than 2005, but I'm not absolutely certain.

    The song (as my vague memory goes) is a man singing about a girl -- I think she is on a stage singing or something like that. He thinks she looks sad, but she is beautiful anyway. Maybe he uses the word lovely? Can't remember for sure.

    Seems like one of the verses had something to do with the girl having a rough life in some way -- maybe abuse or something? That seems harsh -- that can't be right.

    And the song isn't a slow, sad song -- probably mid to up tempo. It was a pop song, maybe an alternative kind of sound -- and maybe not. But definitely more along the pop lines than country or folk or something like that.

    Anyway, that's all my poor tortured brain will give out on the subject.

    Thanks for any help you can give!

    I found Shawn Mullins "Lullaby", which mostly matches what I remembered about it -- 1998, sad woman, man is singing on stage, mid tempo, kinda sort alternative.

    "From the stage I can tell that she can't let go and she can't relax ...
    And just before she hangs her head to cry,
    I sing to her a lullaby."

    Still a great song.
    Last edited by Gundark; 09-30-2016 at 06:57 PM. Reason: Found my own answer!