Yep, I'm a native speaker
The verb "
bisognare" o ("abbisognare") is an impersonal verb, so it is used only in third singular person
"bisogna" or with the auxiliar "avere":
(Io ho bisogno; Tu hai bisogno; Egli ha bisogno; Noi abbiamo bisogno; Voi avete bisogno; Essi hanno bisogno)
It means "to need", "it's necessary", "you must (do it...).."
It is followed by a noun (If you need "something") or by a verb in the infinite form (if you need to "do something").
Bisogna saper perdere" - (you need to know how to lose/ you need to know that you can lose)
Ho bisogno di qualcosa di forte" (I need a strong drink)
Bisogna dirglielo subito!" (we must tell him at once)
"Hai bisogno di qualcosa?" (Do you need anything?)
Avresti bisogno di un'auto più affidabile" (you would need a more reliable car)
Dimmi, abbiamo davvero bisogno di questo?" ("Tell me, do we really need this?")
Bisogna prendere una decisione, prima o poi." (It is necessary to make a decision/ we must make a decision sooner or later)
Cuocere" and "
Cucinare" can be both translated generally with "cook" but they're not exactly the same.
Cuocere" has something to do with heat, means "to heat food". ("Cuocere al forno"- "oven-bake" or "cuocere al vapore" - "cook with steam").
Sto cuocendo la torta nel forno" (I'm baking the cake)
Cucinare" instead means also "to prepare a meal". You can also use "
Preparare qualcosa - to prepare something".
Mi piace cucinare" (I love cooking) but you don't say "mi piace cuocere"
Sto cucinando /preparando la cena per i miei ospiti" (I'm cooking / preparing the dinner for my guests)
Example: you are preparing some roulades. When you take the meat, the eggs, the food relish and you mix them and then put them in the bake, following the recipe's steps you are preparing a meal, so "
cucini/prepari degli involtini"
If you buy the roulades and just put them in the bake, you
"cuoci gli involtini".
"Cuocere" can be transitive and intransitive, 'cucinare' can be only transitive.
You can say
"sto cuocendo il pollo" o "il pollo sta cuocendo" but you can only say
"sto cucinando il pollo". By saying
"il pollo sta cucinando" you mean that a chicken is actually working in the kitchen.
"Iniziare" e "cominciare" have the same meaning. Maybe "iniziare" is a bit more "elegant" and cominciare a little more "colloquial", but that's all.
"Il film sta per cominciare/ iniziare" (the movie is about to begin)
Non saprei proprio da dove cominciare/iniziare" (I wouldn't know where to start)