Learning Italian Language

Thread: Learning Italian Language

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  1. PROPEL's Avatar

    PROPEL said:

    Default Learning Italian Language

    Hey, there are some people (like myself) who are interested in learning Italian.
    So, could someone teach me (and others) Italian?

    And this will be a very usefull topic for people who want to learn Italian
  2. Koukla's Avatar

    Koukla said:


    I adore Italian but I am not on a level to teach. I can surely try my best to help with simple stuff

    Ciao a tutti! = Hi everyone!

    This was easy =)
  3. PROPEL's Avatar

    PROPEL said:


    what about the alphabet?
  4. Koukla's Avatar

    Koukla said:
  5. Música101's Avatar

    Música101 said:



    io- I
    tu- you
    lui- he
    lei- she
    loro- they


    Parlare- To speak

    io parlo- I speak
    tu parli- You speak
    lui/lei parla- he/she speaks
    noi parliamo- we speak
    voi parlate- you speak (pl.)
    loro parlano- they speak

    Venire- To come
    io vengo- I come
    tu vieni- you come
    lui/lei viene- he/she comes
    noi veniamo- we come
    voi venite- you come (pl)
    Last edited by Música101; 08-22-2008 at 03:04 PM.
  6. Lady_A said:


    Ok, so now that you got the alphabet right, let's start and talk a little bit about the noun's gender.


    As you probably know, in Italian there are 2 genders (as opposite to English where we have only one)

    So, as a general rule (singular):

    - all nouns that finish in "o" are MASCULINE (ragazzo -boy, fratello - brother, etc)
    - all nouns that finish in "a" are FEMININE (casa - house, sorella - sister, etc)

    The general rule of nouns' plural:

    - masculine nouns: "o"--->"i" (ragazzi - boys, fratelli - brothers)
    - feminine nouns: "a"---> "e" (case - houses, sorelle - sisters)

    Of course there are lots of exceptions, but for now let's try to stick to the rule.

    I will now give you a list of nouns and if you want, you can try and tell their gender and also their translation (for the ones who don't know Italian, of course); I will also write some words that don't follow the rule, so give it a guess:


    So... I am waiting for the ones who are interested to give me some feedback and tell me if I should continue with some more explinations in the future.
    Maybe you have some other ideas about what you want to learn about Italian...
  7. Lady_A said:


    About the verb...there are also the first and the second person plural (as I've pointed out) and there are also three conjugations of the Italian verbs:

    1) regular verbs that finish in -are
    2) regular verbs that finish in -ere
    3) regular verbs that finish in -ire

    I will also provide the conjugation of a verb finished in -ere:

    CREDRE (to believe)

    Io credo - I believe
    Tu credi - You believe
    Lui/Lei crede - He/She believes
    Noi crediamo - We believe
    Voi credete - You believe
    Loro credono - They believe

    Anyway the verb is the hardest part about Italian grammar, so these are just the basics.
    As you can notice, there are certain endings that are added to the verb's root.

    Quote Originally Posted by Música101 View Post

    io- I
    tu- you
    lui- he
    lei- she
    noi- we
    voi- you

    loro- they


    Parlare- To speak

    io parlo- I speak
    tu parli- You speak
    lui/lei parla- he/she speaks
    noi parliamo- we speak
    voi parlate- you speak (pl.)
    loro parlano- they speak

    Venire- To come
    io vengo- I come
    tu vieni- you come
    lui/lei viene- he/she comes
    noi veniamo- we come
    voi venite- you come (pl)
    loro vengono - they come
  8. Música101's Avatar

    Música101 said:





    rosso- red
    blu- blue
    giallo- yellow
    verde- green
    arancione- orange
    nero- black
    bianco- white
    grigio- gray


    gennaio- january
    febbraio- february
    marzo- March
    maggio- May
    ?- June
    ?- July
    Agosto- augus
    settembre- September
    ottobre- October
    novembre- november
    dicembre- december

    I only know a little Italian. I really want to learn more though!!!! =)
  9. Música101's Avatar

    Música101 said:


    rosa- Rose
    madre- Mother
    cane- Dog
    gatto- Cat
    favola- Flavor
    canzone- Heart?
    cielo- sky
    fiore- Flower
  10. Koukla's Avatar

    Koukla said:

    Talking Some daily phrases :D

    that I like to use...

    Ma va? = Really?
    Dai/ Ma dai = Come on...
    Vabbé = Ok
    Va bene = Ok
    Scusa = Sorry
    amore mio = my love
    tesoro mio = my treasure (literally)
    Che c'é = Ne var in Turkish (what's up (rude) in English?)
    Che bella = How nice/beautiful
    Che carino/a = How cute
    Ti amo = I luuuv you
    Ti adoro = I adore you
    Mi manca = I miss you
  11. Koukla's Avatar

    Koukla said:




    GUIGNO - June
    LUGLIO - July
  12. Koukla's Avatar

    Koukla said:


    Quote Originally Posted by Música101 View Post
    rosa- Rose and color pink
    sorpresa = Surprise
    spiegazione = explanation

    arcobaleno = rainbow

    pioggia = rain
    favola- NOT Flavor, fairy tale [flavor is sapore]
    tavola = table
    sedia = chair
    corpo = body
    canzone- Heart? [No, it means song] [Heart = Cuore]
    traduzione = translation
    vita = life
    stella = star
    tempo = time
    occhio = eye
    palla = ball

    rosa- Rose and color pink
    sorpresa = Surprise
    spiegazione = explanation

    arcobaleno = rainbow

    pioggia = rain
    favola- NOT Flavor, fairy tale [flavor is sapore]
    tavola = table
    sedia = chair
    corpo = body
    canzone- Heart? [No, it means song] [Heart = Cuore]
    traduzione = translation
    vita = life
    stella = star
    tempo = time
    occhio = eye
    palla = ball
  13. Layla's Avatar

    Layla said:


    Quote Originally Posted by Lady_A View Post
    I will now give you a list of nouns and if you want, you can try and tell their gender and also their translation (for the ones who don't know Italian, of course); I will also write some words that don't follow the rule, so give it a guess:


    So... I am waiting for the ones who are interested to give me some feedback and tell me if I should continue with some more explinations in the future.
    Maybe you have some other ideas about what you want to learn about Italian...
    I translated what i knew! And only after i posted, i looked at what Koukla wrote.

    rosa – fem - rose
    sorpresa – fem - surprise
    spiegazione – fem - ?
    madre – fem - mother
    arcobaleno - masc
    cane - fem - ?
    gatto – masc - cat
    pioggia - fem - ?
    favola - fem - ?
    tavola - fem - ?
    sedia - fem - ?
    corpo – masc - body
    canzone – fem - song
    traduzione – fem - translation
    vita – fem - life
    stella – fem - star
    tempo – masc - time
    cielo – masc - sky
    occhio – masc - eye
    palla - fem - ?
    fiore – fem - flower
  14. Lady_A said:


    Way to go Layla, you got most of them right!

    Quote Originally Posted by Layla View Post
    I translated what i knew! And only after i posted, i looked at what Koukla wrote.
    rosa – fem - rose
    sorpresa – fem - surprise
    spiegazione – fem - explanation
    madre – fem - mother
    arcobaleno - masc - rainbow
    cane - masc- dog
    gatto – masc - cat
    pioggia - fem - ploaie
    favola - fem - fairytale
    tavola - fem - table
    sedia - fem - chiar
    corpo – masc - body
    canzone – fem - song
    traduzione – fem - translation
    vita – fem - life
    stella – fem - star
    tempo – masc - time
    cielo – masc - sky
    occhio – masc - eye
    palla - fem - ball
    fiore – masc - flower
    Last edited by aila; 03-08-2013 at 04:29 AM.
  15. Lady_A said:


    As a continuation to my previous post, I will give some additional rules about nouns' gender.

    Nouns finished in -ore , -tore are MASCULINE

    calore (heat), dolore (pain), amore (love)
    attore (actor), direttore (manager - a man), cantatore (man singer)

    Nouns finished in -ione, -trice are FEMININE

    spiegazione (explanation), traduzione (translation), conversazione (conversation), opinione (opinion)
    attrice (actress), direttrice (manager - a woman), cantatrice ( woman singer)

    Nouns finished in a marked vowel -à, -ù are FEMININE

    città - city
    virtù - virtue , tribù - tribe

    As I said before, there are nouns which don't follow the rules.

    - These are the nouns which finish in -e:
    they can be masculine (like fiore - flower) or feminine (like classe - class).
    - Nouns finished in -ma are MASCULINE tema- theme, clima- climate, problema - problem
    - Nouns finished in -isi are FEMININE: crisi - crisis, analisi - analysis.
  16. Lady_A said:




    sing.............................................. .................................pl.

    IL(general) ---------------------------------------------I

    il cane (the dog)-----------------------------------------i cani (the dogs)
    il ragazzo (the boy)-------------------------------------i ragazzi (the boys)

    LO for nouns that start with:---------------------------GLI

    - s followed by a consonant (s impura)
    lo specchio (the mirror)---------------------------gli specchi (the mirrors)
    lo sbaglio (the mistake)--------------------------gli sbagli (the mistakes)

    - z - lo zio (the uncle)-----------------------------------gli zii (the uncles)

    - y - lo yogurt (the yoghurt)---------------------------gli yogurt (the yoghurts)

    - gn, pn, ps - lo psicologo (the psychologist)------gli psicologi (the psychologists)

    L' for nouns that start with a vowel:-------------------------GLI

    - l'amico (the friend)---------------------------------gli amici (the friends)
    - l'amore (the love)----------------------------------gli amori (the loves)



    LA (general)---------------------------------------------LE

    la casa (the house)------------------------------------le case (the houses)
    la ragazza (the girl)-----------------------------------le ragazze (the girls)

    L' for nouns that start with a vowel:----------------------LE

    l'amica (the [girl] friend)------------------------------le amiche (the [girl]friends)
    l'acqua (the water)------------------------------------le acque (the waters)
    Last edited by Lady_A; 08-26-2008 at 12:16 PM.
  17. tzina772000's Avatar

    tzina772000 said:


    Just an addition to the above post of Lady A.

    The nouns that come from a foreign language also have lo-gli as an article, for example

    lo sport - gli sport

    P.S. Lady A if I anticipated something tell me and I will delete the post.
  18. Koukla's Avatar

    Koukla said:


    Some everyday expressions:

    Buon giorno: Good morning (I heard some say it until 18)
    Buona sera: Good evening
    Buona notte: Good night

    Mi chiamo koukla: My name is koukla
    Come ti chiami? What's your name?
    Sono koukla: I am koukla
    Quanti anni hai?: HOw old are u?
    Ho 31 (trentuno anni): I am 31.
    Sei sposato/a o single (young generation dont use the word celibe)?: Are you married or single? (they stress "g" a lot in single as none of their words end in vowel) so it is like singggle (and a thick "L")
    Sono sposat(a) [female]: I am married

    Di quale citta' sei?: Which city are you from?
    Da dove?: Where are you from? (informally)
    Di dove sei? : Where are you from?
    Sono di Ank. : I am from Ank.
    Dove abiti?: Where do you live?
    Abito ad Ankara ed a Salonicco: I live in Ank & Thes/niki

    ***When there are two vowels linked, or together in the words "a" (at) and "e" (and), they generally add the letter -d like in the examples....insted of saying "a Ankara", they say "ad Ankara". or "ed a". Of course this is the perfect usage, some break this rule.
  19. PROPEL's Avatar

    PROPEL said:


    i'll have to learn all of that! hahah
    thanks for puting this all on here guys!

    i love the sound of italian.

    question, in italian, "ll" - is that like in spanish where it's prounounced "yah"
    like stella, is it pronouced, "stella" or "steya"?
  20. citlalli's Avatar

    citlalli said:


    it's pronounced "stella"... you just double the sound of the "l", make it longer... not like in spanish.
    “If cats looked like frogs we'd realize what nasty, cruel little bastards they are. Style. That's what people remember.” ― Terry Pratchett.