[solved] hii a little help plizz

Thread: [solved] hii a little help plizz

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  1. sweet-angel said:

    Red face [solved] hii a little help plizz

    i found an old post from the site
    i saved it in My Documents
    and i cant remember what is it...

    ra7 elle ra7 bokra la7ale bakaffe tare2e ana welzaman
    laken ya 7'ofi teb2a elayale tes2al 3annak wen elle kan

    now its gone forever whatever it was between us .. the days will come and I shall keep going on my way.. me and the "time"
    but Im so scared from those nights which Im sure they'll ask me about you.. and they'll ask me : what happened ?

    badi eyak badi 7abebe eldene balak 3ane 3'arebe bede hawak nasma 2areba temlane 7anan

    I wan you my love cause this world is so starnge to me without you
    .. I need your love to full me with sweetness

    do3fe mana3ne a7mel 3'yabak w3'yabak 3ani dmoo3 w2a7zan
    bte3raf ene ba3sha2 3zabak erja3le ta2erja3 7ess b2aman

    My weekness didnt let me carry you'r distance .. and ur distance from me brought with it tears and sadnees.
    u know how much Im in love with u ... get back to me so I can feel safe .

    is this a song??
    whats the name of it..

    thank youu

    Kol 3am Winto B7eir
  2. amira7 said:



    It is a song:

    Dina Hayek - Baddi habibi

    look here:
