if any body can think of music to put to this song or you have constructive criticism please post.

With that first look you took my heart and ran.
Playing my strings like a violin.
Making me bend end over end just to know that you'll be okay in the end.
This is not the end.
You know I'll pick up no matter the time, no matter why I'll listen and you better believe I’ll pay attention.

So I’m dialing out, don't tune me out, and don’t turn around.
There should be no doubt I’m not leaving you now.
I'm just calling out, wondering what you’re thinking about.
So please pick up.

So this is how my stupidity flows and it just won't slow, so here it goes.
You say the world is dragging you down, pushing you around, and never letting you get off the ground.
So here’s the solution lets leave the world to its self and let’s go have fun by ourselves.
We don't need them so lets free ourselves.
Alright so that was crazy but I'm just trying to help.
You know I'll follow were ever you go.
I'll deal with drama the family stupidity as long as I have you.


So there it went I know it was unkempt.
But it was honest, straight from the heart promise.
So as my reckless heart screams out, my conscious mind keeps it all inside.
No matter how loud, no matter how powerful.
Keep calm, steady, breathe...
But here I am calling out to you, with no clue what I’m about to do, but I can't wait to find out.
So please pick up, I won't let you down, I won't turn around.
Just pick up.