Badem - Kara değil mi?

Thread: Badem - Kara değil mi?

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  1. muge's Avatar

    muge said:

    Default Badem - Kara değil mi?

    for my prince

    actually its a very very long poem, composed by the turkish folk poet, Karacaoğlan.(lived in the 17th century) but i ll translate only the parts that badem has used (btw karacaoğlan means blackish boy, dark skinned boy)

    bana kara diyen dilber - the beautiful woman who says me "blackish"
    gözlerin kara değil mi - arent your eyes black?
    yüzünü sevdiren gelin - the bride who endears her face
    kaşların kara değil mi - arent your eyebrows black?

    beni kara diye yerme - dont revile me coz i m black
    mevlâ'm yaratmış, hor görme - my God created me (this way), dont despise
    ala göze siyah sürme çekilir, - black eyeliner is used for hazel eyes
    kara değil mi? - isnt it black?

    hint'ten, yemen'den çekilir - it passes through Yemen, Hindustan (india)
    iner bağdad'a dökülür - goes down, pours to Baghdat
    türlü taama ekilir - it has been put in several foods
    biber de kara değil mi - isnt pepper also black?

    illerde konup göçerler - they stay in and migrate from the cities
    lâle sünbülü biçerler - they harvest tulips, hyacinths
    ağalar, beyler içerler - aghas, sirs drink it
    kahve de kara değil mi - isnt coffee also black?

    karac'oğlan der, inşallah - Karacaoğlan says: "inşallah" ( it means i hope so)
    görenler desin maşallah - that the ones who see would say "maşallah" ( its a word that protects from evil eye)
    kara donlu beytullah - the Beytullah ( Kaabe, muslims holy place, its the first temple in the world) with the black cloth ( actually don means unterhose in tr but in the ancient tr it means cloth )
    örtüsü kara değil mi - isnt its garment black? ( its called sitare, the garment of the Kaabe)
    Last edited by muge; 03-07-2009 at 02:50 AM.
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  2. Oriee's Avatar

    Oriee said:


    Ay valla, this is so creative, mashallah.
    Wow, really nice.
    Thanks for sharing this creative poem.
    لا يَشْكُرُ الله مَنْ لا يَشْكُرُ النَّاس
    The One Who Doesn't Thank Others, Doesn't Thank God
  3. muge's Avatar

    muge said:


    you are welcome Oriee i really like this song & poem, and u r right its very creative
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  4. Cosmonaut's Avatar

    Cosmonaut said:


    Thank you, sir

    It's very cool, makes me like the song even more.

    Appreciate it alot and you even weren't "late" this time
    We are Brothers
    of the North
    who are sharing the All-Father's Blood
  5. muge's Avatar

    muge said:


    baby i m never late.. ok a bit.. but not all the time

    u r very welcome, sir!
    Söz veriyorum, her şey çok güzel olacak, sadece sen ve ben...
  6. Cosmonaut's Avatar

    Cosmonaut said:


    Well, I've never seen you on time...

    Telling 10, then at 10 telling 11, then arriving at 10:56 ... that's not on time baby, sorry, it doesn't count

    And the worst is that you blame it on dolmuş, traffic, tramvay and the weather etc
    We are Brothers
    of the North
    who are sharing the All-Father's Blood
  7. muge's Avatar

    muge said:


    its not telling at 10, its telling at 9! so i m on time always! hıhh

    but its their fault u know u r so mean..
    Söz veriyorum, her şey çok güzel olacak, sadece sen ve ben...
  8. Cosmonaut's Avatar

    Cosmonaut said:


    It's telling at 9:59... sdflksjdflksd okokookok
    We are Brothers
    of the North
    who are sharing the All-Father's Blood
  9. muge's Avatar

    muge said:


    Quote Originally Posted by Cosmonaut View Post
    It's telling at 9:59... sdflksjdflksd okokookok
    fresse! alskjdfskldfjgdfs
    Söz veriyorum, her şey çok güzel olacak, sadece sen ve ben...
  10. cameron888 said:


    i liked that!! good job BTF :P
  11. muge's Avatar

    muge said:


    thank u BAF, glad u liked it
    Söz veriyorum, her şey çok güzel olacak, sadece sen ve ben...