Two Norwegian songs

Thread: Two Norwegian songs

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    Ligeia said:

    Default Two Norwegian songs

    I heard these two beautiful songs on youtube but I can't find the lyrics.

    The first seems to be a norwegian folk song:
    "gjenta gikk seg opp på en hø "

    The second is called "Ægir" and is from a band called "bergtatt" :
  2. kathringstad said:


    The first song is difficult to translate, because it's so hard to tell what they are saying there. But here is your second song:


    Og Ægir han er av jotunblod
    I lag med Rån har han døttre ni
    Som er dei bølgjer ein fryktar mest
    Dei måler krefter i vind og blest

    -And Ægir is of Jotunblood*
    -Together with Rån has he my daughter
    -Who is the waves one fears the most
    -They measure force in wind and wind (well "blest" also means wind)

    I-saman rår dei over sjø
    Og kva for sjømenn som skal dø
    Dei herskar over all verdas hav
    Og på din sjel kan dei gjere krav

    -Together they rule the sea
    -And decides which sailors will die
    -The rule over all the seas in the world
    -And they can claim your soul

    Han rår over alt hav og djup
    For han er broder til vind og eld
    Så Ægirs hall er ein fredfull stad
    Her spillast ei noko blod i fred

    -He rules over all sea and deep (deep sea or any deep for that matter)
    -Because he is the brother of wind and fire
    -So Ægirs is a peacefull place/town
    -Here, no blood is spilled in peace

    Hans fru ho samlar inn sjømannslik
    I hennar nett ender sjømannsliv
    Der blir dei fanga i hennar makt
    Sjølv er ho fager i all si prakt

    -His wife collects sailorscorpses
    -In her net ends the life of sailors
    -There they are captured in her power/might
    -Herself, is she beautiful in all her glory