
Thread: Stine-Pse

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  1. Demetra said:

    Default Stine-Pse

    Hi everybody,i haven`t been here for a long time,and i am so glad to see,that finally there is a shqip section. song from me for translation.
    Thank you
  2. Balkaneuro said:


    Afer meje çdo moment t`shoh ktu.. // in every moment i see you by my side here
    veten time ndjenja edhe lot n'sy.. // in my self i felt tears in my eyes
    them me vete ti genjen.. // i say to myself, your lying
    them me vete ti per mu a ndjen?.. // i say to myself, do you have feelings for me?
    e verteta qenka shum e hidhur.. // the truth has been very bitter
    e kuptova qe kish qen e lidhur // i have understood that it has been bitter
    jo asnjeher nuk do ta gjej pse-n.. // but i will never find out the why
    ti per mua je ti per mua do t`jesh.. // you are (meant) for me, and you will be (meant) for me
    Me vjen te uleras por veten mbaj.. // i feel like screaming but i control myself
    me vjen t`urrej veten time shaj.. // i feel like hating, but i get mad at myself (for thinking this way)
    gabimet e mija un do ti mbaj.. // i will keep all my mistakes
    atë qe ke ti.. // that which you have
    atë qe ke ti un zemer do ti fal.. // that which you have, i will accept sweetheart
    dua te shprehem diku qaj.. // i want to express myself, i sometimes cry
    me lotet gabimet e mia laj.. // i wash my mistakes with my tears
    e ngushllim jo nuk gjej.. // i can't find any consolation
    do t`shperthej.. // i'm going to explode

    Ooo jo ti mos e moho at djalin qe ti doo.. // oh don't deny the guy that you love
    ate qe gjithe jeten ty..
    ate qe gjithe jeten ty..
    ty do ta dedikoj.. // that which i will dedicate my whole life to you
    jo ti mos e lejoo ai tjetri nuk te do.. // no don't you allow it, that other guy doesn't love you
    ti mos e lejo mos e lejoo.. // don't allow it
    me mua mos e zevendeso.. // don't try to replace me
    (no no no no o my baby baby no no no no...oooo jo ti mos e lejoo..)

    Historia jone qenka shkruajtur.. // our history has been written
    edhe pse une rruget i kam humbur.. // and even that i have lost my roads
    ti s`arrite dot te gjesh.. // that you weren't able to find
    kete sekret qe per ty su fsheh.. // this secret that wasn't hidden for you
    ti u bere hit ne zemren time.. // you became a hit in my heart
    e sfidove çdo meq pa gabime.. // i challenged it ? without mistakes
    e ndertove ktë anije vet.. // i built this boat on my own
    e tani ti po e le te zhytet n'det // and now you are letting it sink in the sea