Wama - Kan Nefsy [*Translated*]

Thread: Wama - Kan Nefsy [*Translated*]

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  1. LoOlya's Avatar

    LoOlya said:

    Wink Wama - Kan Nefsy [*Translated*]

    Hey Again !
    Here I have a really Amazing song, I really like it.
    Actually It's about Our Prophet Mohammed (SAW)..
    Hope you'll like it,

    Wama - Kan Nefsy / واما - كان نفسي

    كان نفسي عيني تشوف ملامحك
    Kan nefsy 3eeni tshouf malam7ak
    I wished that my eye could see your features
    في الدنيا و أفرح ويا فرحك
    fe el-dunya o afra7 wayya far7ak
    In this world and to be happy with your happiness
    في الجنة أشوفك وسط أهلك ، وسط الدعاة و الصالحين
    fe el-ganna ashoufak west ahlak, west el-do3ah o el-sali7een
    And seeing you amid your family, amid the (Ιslam)conveners and the good people

    و تشوفني و كأنك عارفني
    o tshoufni o ka2enak 3arefny
    And you see me as you know me
    و تبص لي و تنده بإسمي
    o tboss li o tendah be-2esmy
    And you look at me, and call my name
    و أجري عليك و احس اني
    o agry 3alik o a7ess iny
    Then I run to you, and I feel
    باللحظة دي من المؤمنين
    bel-la7sa di men el-mo2mineen
    (I feel) that now I’m from the believers(in you)

    خلدت في الاسلام مكانك
    khalledit-i fe el-Islam makanak
    You kept your place in Islam
    يا رحمة جات للعالمين
    ya ra7mah gat lel-3alamin
    Oh you are a mercy came to all the people
    يا ريتني عشت معاك زمانك
    ya retny 3esht ma3ak zamanak
    I hope that I lived in your time(when you were alive)
    حياتي لو مش ليك لمين
    7ayati law mesh leek le-meen
    If my life wasn't for you, then for whom it will be?

    يا ربي بدعيلك تخلي
    ya rabbi bad3eelak tekhally
    Oh my God, I pray to you, to keep
    طريقي في الاسلام طريقو
    taree2y fe el-Islam taree2o
    (to keep) my way in Islam as his way
    وسط الصحابة معاه أصلي
    west el-sa7abah ma3ah assaly
    Amid his friends, and pray with him
    و اكتبلي اني اكون صديقه
    o ektebly ino akoun sade2ouh
    And (oh God) write (in my destiny) that I’m his friend

    في كلام كتير أوي ليك في قلبي
    fe kalam keteer awi lik fe 2alby
    There’re many words for you in my heart
    ما ارضيتش أقولو غير و انت جنبي
    ma rdersh-i 2a2ouloh gheer o inta ganby
    I didn’t want to say it, only if you’re here with me
    خليك معايا و اشفعلي ذنبي
    khalleek ma3aya o eshfa3ly thanby
    Please, stay with me, and make intercession for my faults
    ده انت الامام و انت الامين
    dah inta el-Imam o inta el-Amin
    Oh you’re the boss, and you’re the curator
    Syria ♥
    لّا إِلَهَ إِلاَّ أَنتَ سُبْحَانَكَ إِنِّي كُنتُ مِنَ الظَّالِمِينَ
    Suriyeli damarımda Türk kanı akıyor.
  2. lanzailan's Avatar

    lanzailan said:


    ktiiir helu,
    make me cry...