Elissa - Salimly Aaleih

Thread: Elissa - Salimly Aaleih

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  1. Persiana's Avatar

    Persiana said:

    Wink Elissa - Salimly Aaleih

    Hello, guys! Could anyone translate Elissa's new song ? Its not full, just a sample.
  2. Gole Yas said:


    helping out older posts..

    ســــلملي عليــــــه
    give him my greetings

    ســــــملـــي عليـــه روح و ســـلملي عليــــه
    give him my greetings, go and give him my greetings
    قلّـــــو مشتـــــاقـــه ليــــه
    tell him that I miss him
    هوّي المــــا في متـــــلو حـــدا
    Him who there is no one like him
    حبيـــــبـــبي ع طول المدى
    My love.. forever more
    روح و ســــلملـــي عليه
    go and give him my greetings

    مشــــتاقـــه كتيـــر نـــرجع نتلاقى يـــوم
    I longing for meeting you again someday
    ننســـى العتــــب واللـــوم
    We forget the regret and the blame
    نحكــــي ســـــوى
    We talk together
    نضحـــــك ســــــوى
    We Laugh together
    نــتـــمشـــى ع دروب الهـــوى
    We walk on the pathways of love
    نـــــام و اصـــحى ع ايدايــه
    I Sleep and wake up on his arms

    روح قــــلّو غيــــرو ما بـــيـــحكي
    Go tell him that I wont talk to anyone but him
    تســـــلملـــي ريـــتــــا هالضــــحكي
    Oh how is nice his smile is
    شـــو بـــحـــبــا واســــالوا بـــركي
    how much I like it (the smile), and ask him maybe
    عـــلى حـــالــــــو
    With his state
    عـــلى حـــالــــــو
    With his state
    بعــــــدو ع الفـــرقى وبيــــحلـــم
    He’s still hanging on to the separation, and he dreams
    متـــــلـــي بالمـــلقـــى
    In eeting me, just like I do
    او بخـــــطر حتــــــى لو ســـــرقه
    Or if he thinks of me, even for a moment
    على بـــــــالـــــو
    On his mind

    ســــــلملــــي عليــــه
    Give him my greetings
    روح وهيـــدا العنوان
    Go and this is the address
    شــفلــي ان كنّنو زعلان
    See and tell me if he’s upset
    او غيــري ع قلبـــو
    Or there’s someone other than me in his heart
    He found
    بداري حبيـــبي من النـــدى
    I care about my lover from the dew
    من النســــمه اللي حواليـــه
    from the air around him

    روح قـــلو غيــــرو ما بـــدي
    go and tell him that I want no one other than him
    من حـــبّـــو بالديــــنــي أّدي
    Who has loved him as I did, in this life
    و وديــــلو هالعـــمر ودّي
    I wish I can offer him the world
    With my greeting
    And tell him
    هالعمــــر مرقـــه يرجـــعلي نســــعد ونشــــثى
    Life passes quickly.. He comes back to me and we can be happy and naughty
    وشـــو بتحلى لـــو سوى نبــــقى
    Oh how life will be beautiful if we were together
    My days