Seid memic translations

Thread: Seid memic translations

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  1. acevsd said:

    Default Seid memic translations

    Can anyone translate samo jednom srce voli for me??

    Sve smo jedno drugom rekli
    sto smo mogli reci
    sanjali o sreci koju nosi novi dan
    jednu ljubav mi smo htjeli
    ali osjetili bol
    srca nam placu nismo htjeli to
    Zivjeli smo dalje u nadi
    da ce bolje biti
    vezani za iste snove i za isti dom
    Jednu ljubav mi smo htjeli
    ali osjetili bol
    srca nam placu nismo htjeli to

    Samo jednom srce voli ljubavi moja
    ova bol sto srce boli je moja i tvoja
    samo jednom srce place ljubav kad gubi
    kad osjeti da drugi je voli da drugi je ljubi

    and maybe some other ones depending on how much time I have to translate myself these coming days. Seid memic has alot of good songs
  2. sashk said:


    Sve smo jedno drugom rekli
    We said everything to each other
    sto smo mogli reci
    That we could say
    sanjali o sreci koju nosi novi dan
    We dreamed of the happiness that a new day brings
    jednu ljubav mi smo htjeli
    We wanted the same love
    ali osjetili bol
    But we felt pain
    srca nam placu nismo htjeli to
    Our hearts are crying, we didn't want that

    Zivjeli smo dalje u nadi
    We continued to live in hope
    da ce bolje biti
    That it would be better
    vezani za iste snove i za isti dom
    Tied to the same dreams and to the same home
    Jednu ljubav mi smo htjeli
    We wanted the same love
    ali osjetili bol
    But we felt pain
    srca nam placu nismo htjeli to
    Our hearts are crying, we didn't want that

    Samo jednom srce voli ljubavi moja
    A heart loves only once, my love
    ova bol sto srce boli je moja i tvoja
    This pain which hurts the heart is mine and yours
    samo jednom srce place ljubav kad gubi
    The heart only cries once, when it loses the one it loves
    kad osjeti da drugi je voli da drugi je ljubi
    When it feels that someone else is loving her and someone else is kissing her
  3. acevsd said:


    Got another one.

    Seid Memic Vajta - prica

    Jednom su se videli jedan tren - They saw eachother for one moment
    pogledi im zastali to je sve - but that moment was it
    al' ljubav se je rodila kao stih i nikad nije prestala između njih - love was born like lyrics and never stopped

    Došao je jedan dan i rekao njoj: - He came one day and told her
    "Hoću da te vodim u svoj dom! - I want to take you from your home
    Idi pitaj majku da li možeš poć' - go ask your mother if you can come
    ako kaže da si mlada čekat' ću i opet doć'" - If she says you are young, I will wait for the time to come

    "Majko, da li mogu poć' tu je dragi moj - Mother, can I go with my darling??
    hoće da me vodi u svoj dom. - he wants to take me to his home (or he wants to take me from your home??)
    Prsten mi je donio i nešto još - he brought me a ring and something else
    jednu šarenu maramu i jedan broš" - one (black and white) maramu and a brush

    "Nemoj kćeri, mlada si, bar godinu još - no daughter, you're still a year too young
    vrati prsten i maramu i mali broš - give back the ring and maramu and the brush
    ako te voli čekat' će dragi tvoj - if your darling will love you he will wait
    onda nek' te vodi u dom svoj" - until he can take you to his home

    Prođe jedna godina došao je on, - a year passed and he came back
    došao da vodi je u svoj dom - "I came to take you from your home"
    al' sad otac ne da i kaže strogo njoj: - but her dad wouldn't give her up and told her strongly
    "Mlada si da ideš a mlad je i dragi tvoj" - you're too young to go and so is your darling

    Ona nije čekala, pošla je dragom svom, - but she didn't wait; she went with her darling
    rekla mu je: "Vodi me u svoj dom" - she told him "take me to your house
    šarenom je maramom suze brisala, - (something about the black/white maramom) andd she wiped her tears
    ljubila je prsten i na majku mislila. - she adored the ring yet was thinking of her mother

    Pa su tako živjeli, i život bio fin - and that's how they lived, and their life was set
    ljubav još veća postala kad rodio se sin - love still remained even when they had a baby boy
    a samo jedna želja u srcu ostala - but one wish still remained in their hearts
    sina da joj vide njen otac i majka. - for their kid to meet her mom and dad

    On je sina uzeo pošao na put - and so they set out on the path
    pjesme mu je pjevao kad je plakao i bio ljut - they sang the boy a song when he cried and was upset
    a kad su sina vidjeli otac i njena mati - and when the boy saw his grandparents
    on je odmah krenuo brzo kući da se vrati. - he immediately turned around to go home

    Pred kućom mnogo ljudi, a žene u crnini sve - a ton of people in front of the house, and the women were adorned in black
    kroz suze su mu rekli da nema više nje - through tears they told him that she was no more
    da teška bolest došla je u njegov dom - the tough sickness came to his house
    i ljubav mu je uzela dok na putu je bio on. - and took his love when he was on the path

    Uzeo je sviralu i zasvirao na nju - he took his instrument and played his song for her
    pjesmu o svojoj ljubavi koje više nema tu. - a song for his love who he no longer had
    Ta ljubav se je rodila kao stih - for the love that was born like lyrics
    i nikad nije prestala između njih! - and never ended between them!
  4. acevsd said:


    anyone wanna check over my translation?? please