Sal Da Vinci - San Lorenzo

Thread: Sal Da Vinci - San Lorenzo

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  1. Carol Myers's Avatar

    Carol Myers said:

    Default Sal Da Vinci - San Lorenzo

    Can anyone translate the lyrics from this song into English? I'm sorry but I cannot even find the Italian lyrics anywhere, but here is the link to the song:
  2. Ligeia's Avatar

    Ligeia said:


    E' successo tutto in riva al mare/ everything happened on the seashore
    San Lorenzo con le stelle accese/ on the night of the shooting bright stars
    tu cercavi un po' di comprensione/ you were looking for a bit of sympathy
    io qualcuna da agganciare un'ora/ I was looking for someone to chat up for an hour
    e comincia così, questa storia di ieri/ and so it starts, this yesterday's romance
    senza troppe emozioni, senza tanti problem/ without too many emotions, without many problems
    siamo stati sinceri/ we've been honest
    chissà se questo è amore/ I wonder whether this is love

    mare di notte d'estate/ sea at night in summer
    io che ti entravo in fondo all'anima/ me, entering deep in your soul
    mare di notte d'estate/ sea at night in summer
    sporchi di sabbia e baci / dirty with sand and kisses
    ci ritrovammo all'alba più felici/ we found ourselves happier at dawn

    Mi accompagni dentro la stazione/ you come with me to the station
    ci lasciammo senza una parola/ we left without a word
    come treni che si incrociano/ like trains that meet
    e allo scambio si dividono/ and then separate at the interchange
    E' finita così senza false promesse/ and so it ended without false promises
    ci vediamo a settembre/ see you in september
    è finita così senza un come e un perchè/ so it ended without a reason
    chissà se questo è amore/ I wonder whether this is love

    mare di notte d'estate/ sea at night in summer
    io che ti entravo in fondo all'anima/ me, entering deep in your soul
    mare da bere per sete/ sea to drink when thirsty
    in questi giorni miei senza te/ in these empty days of mine without thee

    stessa spiaggia stesso mare dopo un anno/ same beach, same sea, a year after
    altre facce, altre storie nasceranno/ new faces, new love stories will begin
    io continuo senza voglia a rimorchiare/ i keep picking up sullenly
    se ti penso già mi sento male/ whenever I think about you I feel bad
    chissà se questo è amore/ I wonder whether this is love

    mare di notte d'estate/ sea at night in summer
    pioggia di stelle a S. Lorenzo e noi/ a rain of shooting stars at night and us
    mare di notte d'estate/ sea at night in summer
    io che ti entravo in fondo all'anima/ me, entering deep in your soul
    mare da bere per sete/ sea to drink when thirsty
    in questi giorni vuoti senza te/ in these empty days without you
    "-Please tell me you're going to appeal to my humanity..."
    "-Actually, I'm planning to threaten you."

    "Well, if you'll excuse me, I have work to do. Evil plots don't just make themselves, you know!"
  3. Carol Myers's Avatar

    Carol Myers said:


    Thank you very much. .. .you out did yourself with both the Italian and English! I didn't think someone would take the time. I really appreciate you =)
  4. Ligeia's Avatar

    Ligeia said:


    It didn't take me much time, and I'm glad I've been helpful!
    "-Please tell me you're going to appeal to my humanity..."
    "-Actually, I'm planning to threaten you."

    "Well, if you'll excuse me, I have work to do. Evil plots don't just make themselves, you know!"
  5. Carol Myers's Avatar

    Carol Myers said:


    You have been more helpful you could ever believe Because of you and some of the others. . .I've been able to sleep much better. . . .most nights