Tarek Sherif - El sneen dawara [album]

Thread: Tarek Sherif - El sneen dawara [album]

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  1. Layla's Avatar

    Layla said:

    Talking Tarek Sherif - El sneen dawara [album]

    Salam! I have a "small" request! Could somebody please write down the lyrics in Arabic for these songs and translate them also?

    Ady 2albo
    El sneen dawara
    Esma3ani taweeni
    Howa enta eih
    La 2aletly aiwa

    3ala fikra, i know that i should translate these songs myself, but i am so lazy these days, ya salam! I did translate one song though from this album almost one year ago: Gamed 2albak!

    Thank you in advance to the kind heart/s who will translate these songs for me!
  2. larosa's Avatar

    larosa said:


    el sneen dawara

    مين اللى قالك انى حزين
    who told you that i'm sad
    ما انا عشت بعدك ياما سنين
    i've already lived many years after you
    كنت بحلم كنت بفرح كنت مليان شوق وحنين
    i used to dream i used to be filled with longing and nostalgia
    والسنين دواره دواره
    and life is turning turning
    عيون حزينه قلوب محتاره
    sad eyes,perplexed hearts
    واللى فاتك النهارده بكره يرجع يبكى سنين
    what what you've missed today,tomorrow will be back cryig for years
    يبكى على ايام وليالى
    crying over days and nights
    انه ضيع حبه الغالى
    that he lost his precious love
    ضيع عمره
    he lost his lifetime
    ضيع حلمه
    he lost his dream
    ضيع نفسه فى غمضه عين
    lost himself in the blink of an eye

    مين اللى قالك انى هاضيع
    who told you that i'll be lost
    قلبى خلاص علمته يبيع
    i already taught my heart how to sell out
    ينسى حبك
    how to forget your love
    ينسى قربك
    forget how to be near you
    ينسى كل دقيقه معاك
    forget every minute with you
    ينسى اسمك
    forget your name
    ينسى كلامك
    forget your words
    ينسى صوتك
    forget your voice
    حتى سلامك
    even your salut
    هتجيلى نادم وتقولى اسف وتقولى ارجع بترجاك
    you'll come regretful and say you're sorry,and ask me to come back to you
    ارجع ايه ما تسيبنى فى حالى
    i won't come back,leave me alone
    كفايه ضاع من عمرى ليالى
    it is enough that nights have been wasted from my life
    جمب منك
    next to you
    شفت منك
    i saw from you
    العذاب والويل والاه
    the torment and lament
    life is Super good
    (this is bull ****)
    if you seek arabic translation,PM me