Myriam Fares - Bet2oul Eih 2008 [album]

Thread: Myriam Fares - Bet2oul Eih 2008 [album]

Tags: myriam fares lyrics
  1. sunset_princess said:

    Default Myriam Fares - Bet2oul Eih 2008 [album]

    I am a big fan of Myriam Fares, but unfortunately I don't speak arabic good, so it would really mean a lot if someone can write all the lyrics from this album in arabic,but in latin font and also if you could translate them. I found the lyrics written in arabic letters,but I can't read that, so
    Thank you!
  2. al_habibi's Avatar

    al_habibi said:


    Enta Bet’oul Eih:
    انت بتقول ايه اه بتقولى حضنك دافى
    is what you're saying that you lap is warm
    وجو قلبك صافى ولا مرة يوم حتخافى
    and your heart is pure and you're also telling me that i will never feel fear
    وانت بتقول ايه اه
    what're saying
    بتقول عايش ليه وان انت بتموت فيه وجمالى دنيا بيه
    you're saying why am i living, and you adore me and I have all the world's beauty
    ولسه بتقول ايه
    and you're still saying "waht?"
    حبك ده كل كلام ولا همسه تغير احساسى
    your love is not real and your whispering is not changing my feelings
    حبك ده اى كلام مش ممكن علشانو اقاسى
    your love is none sense, i can't suffer because of it
    انت بتقول ايه
    and you're saying "why?"
    بنات الكون دة سايب فى دباديب عينه دايب
    you left all the girls that are dying to get you
    وشعرك منى شايب بص حقلك ايه
    and you're hair is getting grey because of me
    روح اضحك بس مش على يلى زيك مش عشرة مية
    go make fun of others, but not me.. world is full of people that are like you
    اتعلم الحب وارجع ليه وساعتها اقللك ايه
    learn what is love then come back to me, at that time i'd tell you what (tell yu the answer)...
  3. al_habibi's Avatar

    al_habibi said:


    Well,It is recommended you look for the lyrics first in already posted lyrics.
    I just copied it from there and posted here.
  4. sunset_princess said:


    I actually said that I need the lyrics itself in arabic but written in latin (english) font not in arabic letters, but thanks for trying to help anyway
  5. Gole Yas said:


    مش انانية
    Mosh ananiya
    Im not selfish
    حاول تختر بيني وبينها حاول حاول
    7awil te5tar baini o bainha 7awil 7awil
    Try to chse between me and her, try try
    لحسن تظلمني وتظلمها حاول حاول
    La7san ti’6limni o ti’6limha 7awil 7awil
    So you don’t be unjust to either me or her.. try, try
    خللي فقلبك وحده وبس وحده وحده
    5ali fi albak wa7da o bas, wa7da wa7da
    Keep only one in your heart, one, one
    علشان تقدر بيها تحس حب وحده
    3alashan ti2dar beeha t7is 7ub wa7da
    So with her you can feel the love of one

    اما لو احنا معاك لتنين انت مافيش عندك قلبين
    Ama law e7na ma3ak litnain, enta mafish 3indak albain
    But if both of us are with you.. you don’t have two heart
    علشان بيها .. علشان بيها وبيا تحس
    3alashan biha, 3alashan biha o biya t7is
    So you can.. so you can feel for the both of us

    انا مش انانية انانية انانية انا عايزاك ليا لوحدي
    Ana mosh ananeya ananeya ananeya, ana 3ayzak leya lwa7di
    Im not selfish, slefish, selfish, I just want you for myself
    انا مش انانية انانية انانية انا ممكن اسبكوا وامشي
    Ana mosh ananeya ananeya ananeya, ana mimkin asibko wamshi
    Im not selfish, slefish, selfish, I cant just leave you and walk away
    قرر تبقى معايا والا معاها
    8arir tib2a ma3aya wila ma3aha
    Decide on whether to stay with me or her

    **here the men sing as background
    لا ماحصلش وكل ده كدب
    La ma7a9alsh o kil da kidb
    No this did not happen, its all lies
    وانا من بعدك عمري ما احب
    Wana min ba3dik 3umri ma 7ib
    And after you I cannot love again
    مهما تقولي ومهما تعيدي
    Mahma t2oli o mahma t3eedi
    No matter what you say and how much you repeat it
    انتى لوحدك جوا القلب
    Enti lwa7dik juwa el alb
    Only you are within my heart
    اوعي تقولي كلام مش صح
    Ew3i t2oli kalam mush 9a7
    Don’t dare say the wrong things
    لا يا حياتي كلام مش صح
    La ya 7ayati kalam mush 9a7
    Oh no my life (you), these words are untrue

    **here she sings again
    انت عايشلي وعايش بيها عايش عايش
    Enta 3ayeshli o 3ayesh biha, 3ayesh 3ayesh
    Your living for me, but in her, living, living
    نصك ليا ونصك ليها عايش عايش
    Nu9ak liya o nu9ak liha, 3ayesh 3ayesh
    A half of you is for me and the other is for her, your living, living
    كدب عليا وكدب عليها كدبة كدبة
    Kidb 3laya o kidb 3laiha, kadba kadba
    Lies for me, and lies for her, lies, lies
    لا بترضيني ولا بترضيها صعب احس
    La btir’6eeni o la btr’6eeha, 9a3b a7s
    you neither please me nor her, its hard to feel

    قاسم قلبك ليه نصين ما عشان كده محناش حاسين
    Asim albak leih nu9ain ma 3ashan kida ma7nash 7aseen
    Why have you cut your heart in two? You see, that’s why we don’t feel it
    لا انا ولا هي لا انا ولا هي هنرضى بنص
    La ana wala heya, la ana wala heya hanir’6a bnu9
    Neither me nor her, neither me nor her will be satisfied with half


    ايه يللى بيحصل
    Eih eli biyi79al
    Whats happening?
    انا عمرى النهاردة تولد من جديد
    Ana 3umri elnaharda itwilid min gdeed
    Today my life has been reborn
    دة عيد النهاردة ومش اى عيد
    Da 3eed elnaharda o mush ay 3eed
    It’s a celebration today, and not just any celebration

    ياحبيبى يا حبيبى
    Ya 7abibi ya 7bibi
    My love, my love
    انا عاشقه واوصف بأيه الغرام
    Ana 3ash2a o aw9if b eih el’3aram
    Im in love, and how can I describe love
    ده راح منى تاه منى كل الكلام
    Da ra7 mini tah mini kol el kalam
    All the words have gone, have gotten lost from me
    ياحبيبى يا حبيبى
    Ya 7abibi ya 7bibi
    My love, my love

    ال اه لالا
    *just a melody
    ايه الى بيحصل
    Eih eli biyi79al
    Whats happening
    ال اه لالا
    *just a melody
    ايه اللى جرالى مالى كده سرحانه فيه
    Eih eli garali mali kida sar7ana feeh
    What has happened to me? Why am I just sitting staring/dreaming in him

    ال اه لالا
    *just a melody
    رجعت ليه روحى بنظرة عينيه فداك عمرى كله ما يغلاش عليك
    Rig3at leya ro7i bina’6rit 3eineih, fadak 3umri kolo ma yi’3lash 3alaik
    My soul came back to me with one look from his eyes. My life if your sacrifice, not at all precious when it comes to you
    ياهوايا اللى غيرلى معنى الحياة ورجع لقلبى حياة وغناه
    Ya hawaya eli ‘3ayarli ma3na el7aya, o raga3 li albi 7ayato o ‘3nah
    Oh my love who has changed the meaning of life to me, and given back the life and melody to my heart


    انت بتقول ايه
    Enta Bet’oul Eih
    what are you saying
    انت بتقول ايه اه بتقولى حبك دافى
    enta bit2ol eih, ah, bit2oli 7ubak dafi
    what are you saying?! Your telling me that your love is warm
    *in the lyrics it says “7u’6nak dafi” .. other places says “7ubak dafi” .. I heard it as 7ubak honestly.. so .. u can be the judge of that =P

    وجو قلبك صافى ولا مرة يوم حتجافى
    O jowa albak 9afi o wala mara youm hatjafi
    And inside your heart is pure, and that never will your heart turn cold/cruel
    **all the lyrics on sites say “wala youm hat5afi” but if you listen closely it she sayd “hatjafi”

    وانت بتقول ايه اه
    Winta bit2ol eih
    And what are you saying?!

    بتقول عايش ليه وان انت بتموت فيه وجمالى دنيا بيه
    Bit2ol 3ayesh liya, win enta bitmot fiya, o jamali dunya biya
    you're saying why am i living, and you adore me and I have all the world's beauty

    ولسه بتقول ايه
    O lisa bit2ol eih
    and you're still saying "waht?"

    حبك ده كل كلام ولا همسه تغير احساسى
    7ubak da kolo kalam wala hamsa t’3ayer e7sasi
    your love is not real and not even your whispering will change my feelings

    حبك ده اى كلام مش ممكن علشانو اقاسى
    7ubak na ay kalam mush momkin 3alashano a2asi
    your love is none sense, i can't suffer because of it

    انت بتقول ايه
    Enta bit2ol eih
    and you're saying "why?"

    بنات الكون دة سايب فى دباديب عينه دايب
    Banat elkown da sayeb, fi dabadeb 3ayno dayeb
    you left all the girls that are dying to get you

    وشعرك منى شايب بص حقلك ايه
    O sha3rak mini shayeb, bo9 7a2olak eih
    and you're hair is getting grey because of me

    روح اضحك بس مش على يلى زيك مش عشرة مية
    Ro7 e’67ak bas mosh 3alaya eli zayak mosh 3ashra miya
    go make fun of others, but not me.. world is full of people that are like you

    اتعلم الحب وارجع ليه وساعتها اقللك ايه
    Et3alim el7ub wirga3 liya, o sa3at-ho a2olak eih
    learn what is love then come back to me, at that time i'd tell you what (tell you the answer)..


    You’ll go
    بتروح يلا السلامه وياك قلبى اتظلم وايام دقت الالم وايام
    Bitro7 yala elsalama, wayak albi en’6alam. W ayam do2t el alam. Ayam.
    You’ll go? May you be safe! With you my heart was treated unjustly. And many dies I tasted pain. Many days
    ودريت احزانى ياما وانا قلت اصبر معاك اتارى الصبر فى هواك احلام
    O dareit a7zani yama, wana 2olt a9bor ma3ak. Atari el9abr fi hawak a7lam
    And I kept up with my sorrow, and said ill be patient with you, but it seems like patience is only a dream when it comes to your love

    بتروح مع السلامه ولايوم حاسأل عليك
    Bitro7 ma3a elsalama, wala youm 7as2al 3aleik
    You’ll go? May you be safe! Never will I ask about you
    واهديك الف ابتسامه وفر دمعه عينيك
    Wahdeek alf ebtisama, wafer dam3at 3eineik
    And I dedicate a thousand smiles to you, save your tears

    بتقول انك هجرنى على ايه حاندم انا عالشوف ولا الهنا على ايه
    Bit2ol enak hajerni, 3ala eih 7andam ana, 3alsho2 wala elhana, 3ala eih
    You say you’ll leave me, what will I regret? The longing or bliss? What?
    ولا انت بتفتكرنى ما انت من كم سنه ختنى وما انتش هما على ايه
    Wala ent bitiftikirni, ma ent min kam sana 5atni o mantash hma 3ala eih
    You don’t even care about me, and from a few years ago you took me, and did not care, oh on what?


    ايام الشتي
    Ayam elshiti
    Winter days
    يا ايام الشتي هيدى اول سنه
    Ya ayam elshiti haidi awal sini
    On winter days, this is the first year
    لحالى بسهر ليلي لحالى بسهر ليلي
    L7ali bis-har laili, l7ali bis-har laili
    I stay up the night alone, I stay up the night alone
    يا ايام الشتي غايب صار لو سنة
    Ya ayam elshiti, ‘3ayeb 9ar lo sini
    Oh winter days, its been a year since he left
    من هيديك الشتويه
    Min haideek elsini
    From that year
    *that year meaning last year

    اول مرة بشوف الليل ناقص بنجومه
    Awal mara bashof el lail na2e9 bnjomo
    It’s the first time I see the night short on starts
    اول مرة بيحكى الويل وبيشكيلى همومه
    Awal mara biyi7ki elwail o biyishkeeli hmomo
    It’s the first time the woes talk to me and tell me about the its worries
    حتى القمر الطالع والمى يلى على الشوارع
    7ata el2amar el6ale3, wil maya 3al shaware3
    Even the appearing moon, and the water n the street
    كلها عتبان عليك
    Kilha 3atbana 3alaik
    All blame you

    كل ليلة يا هوا كنا نهرب سوى
    Kol laila ya hawa kona nihrib sawa
    Every night, oh love, we used to run away together
    ويطل القمر علينا بدو يجمع ايدينا
    O yi6il el2amar 3alaina bido yijma3 eideina
    And the moon peeks over us, wanting to bring our hands together
    نحكيلو شو حكي نضحك حتى البكي
    Ni7kilo sho 7aki, o ni;67ak 7ata elbiki
    Oh the stories we told it.. and we laughed till we cried
    من يومها ما تلاقينا مرتت شتويه علينا
    Min youma matla2aina, marit shatwa 3alaina
    Since that day we didn’t meet, a whole winter has passed
    *a whole winter meaning.. the year passed and winter came and stil he’s not there


    انا قلبى ليك
    Ana albi leik
    My heart is for you..
    انا قلبى ليك وانا روحى فيك
    Ana albi leik, wana ro7i feek
    My heart is for you.. and my soul is within you..
    وانا بين ايديك مش عرفا اقولك بس اية
    Wana bein eideik mosh 3arfa a2olak bas eih
    Im within your hands, and just don’t know what to tell you
    انا حبى ده فوق كل ده واكتر كده
    Ana 7ubi da, fo2 kol da, waktar kida
    My love, is above everything, and even more than that
    بص فعينيا تحس بيك
    Bu9 f3aineya t7is beik
    Look into my eyes, they feel for you

    انا احساسى بيك مش عيزلوا كلام
    Ana e7sasi beik mush 3ayezlo kalam
    My feelings to you don’t need words
    وغرامى ليك عده كل غرام
    O ‘3arami beik 3ada kol el’3aram
    And my love to you overpasses all passion
    يعني انت بس اللي بتمناه ولا بنساه
    Y3ni enta bas eli batmanah wala bansah
    meaning you’re the only one I want, and will never forget

    انا بالى فيك وهموت عليك
    Ana bali feek o hamot 3aleik
    My mind is occupied with you, and im dieing in you
    وعشان عينيك ولا ليلة وحدة عرفت نوم
    O 3ashan 3eineik wala laila wa7da 3areft elnom
    And for your eyes, I never saw sleep not even for one night
    ديما معاك مستنياك من يوم لقاك
    Dayman ma3ak, mistaneyak, min youm lu2ak
    Always with you, wiaitng for you, from the day I met you
    على طول فى سيرتك كل يوم
    3ala 6ol fi seertak kol youm
    I always talk about you, everyday


    على خوانه
    3ala 5wana
    On his cheating..
    على خوانه وعلى سهوة بنظرة بس مش سهله
    3ala 5wana o 3ala sahwa.. bina’6ra bas mush sahla
    Upon his cheating and distraction.. with one look, its wasn’t easy
    رماني الحب ف شباكوه وانا والله ماليش دعوة
    Ramani el7ub fi shubako wana walla maleesh da3wa
    Love tossed me in its net, I swear I had nothing to do with it

    ولا كان على بالى اسيب نفسى ولقتنى برحلوه انا بنفسى
    Wala kan 3ala bali aseeb nifsi, o la2itni baro7lo bnifsi
    It never crossed my mind that I let myself go, but I found myself going to him on my own
    وكأنى بحيبو انا لنفسى واجرى ورا الحاجه الصعبه
    O ka2ini ba7ibo ana lnifsi, w ajri wara el7aja el9a3ba
    It was like I love him to myself, and im running after what is difficult
    وانا والله ماليش دعوة
    Wana walla maleesh da3wa
    And I swear I had nothing to do with it

    عشقت الدنيا من نظرة حقيقى بجد مش قادرة
    3ishi2t eldonya min na’6ra, 7a2i2i bjid mush adra
    I loved the world from one look, I swear I cant take this
    ده دوب قلبى فى عيونو تقلى ازاى منيش عرفه
    Da dawab albi fi 3yono, ti2oli ezay manesh 3arfa
    He melted my heart in his eyes, if you ask me how, I don’t know!

    ضحكت وضحكتى طلعت وهمزة وصل اهى حصلت
    ‘6a7ikt o ‘6a7kiti 6il3it.. o hamzit wa9l ahi 7a9alit
    I laughed, and my laughter got to him, it was what joined us together, it just happened
    لا ذنبى كان ولا ذنبو قلوب مع بعض واتفقت
    La thanbi kan wala thanbo, 2olob ma2 ba3’6 witif2it
    It wasn’t my fault or his, just two hearts that were in consent


    لو كنت راضى
    Law kont ra’6i
    If you were pleased with it..
    لو كنت راضى بالبعد عادى انا من الليله دى مش حقول واعيد
    Law kont ra’6i 3albo3d 3adi ana min el laila di mush 7a2ol wa3eed
    If you were pleased with the distance then fine, from tonight I wont say or repeat any word
    خلتنى ادارى فى القلب نارى والشوق اتارى عمال يزيد
    5alaitni adari fi alb nari wilsho2 atari 3amaal yizeed
    You let me say its all find, and within my heart is a fire, and the longing is increasing

    اول مايجى الليل يدخل هواك عليا
    Awal ma yigi el lail yid5ol hawak 3alaya
    As soon as night comes your loves comes to me
    افضل افكر فيك نفسى تشوفك عينيا
    Af’6al afakar feek nifsi tshofak 3eineya
    I stay thinking about you, I wish I could see you
    عيونى فيها كلام والشوق ولا بينام
    3yoni feeha kalam wilsho2 wala binam
    My eyes have words to speak out, and the longing never sleeps
    واعد فى الايام وتعد فيا
    Wa3id fil ayam wit3id fiya
    And I count the days, and they count me

    عينيك فى عينى بتقول نسينى وعينيك مليها اجمل غرام
    3ainak fi 3aini bit2ol naseeni o 3ainak maleeha ajmal ‘3aram
    Your eyes are in mine, you say you have forgotten me, but you eyes are filled with the most beautiful love
    شاور تلاقى قلبى فى ثوانى يا حبيبى جنبك من غير كلام
    Shawir tila2i albi fi thawani ya 7bibi janbak min ‘3air kalam
    Discuss ti and you’ll find my heart next to in seconds my love, with no words spoken


    مكانه وين
    Mukana wain
    Where is its place
    يسالني مكانه وين جوه القلب ولا العين
    Yis2alni mukana wain jowa el alb wila el3ain
    He asks me where his plac is? In my heart or my eyes?
    ما يدري حبيب الروح انه ساكن الاثنين
    ma yadri 7abeeb elroo7 enah sakin el ethnain
    My souls love doesn’t know that he’s living in both

    احبك حب هالكني سكن فيني تملكني
    A7ibak 7ub halikni, sikan feeni timalakni
    I love you a love which is tiring me, it lived in me and owned me
    انا لو اتركه لحظات احس الروح تتركني
    Ana law atrikah la7’6at a7is ro7i titriki
    If I leave it for just moments, I feel that my soul is leaving me

    يبي يعرف يبي يدري مكانه وين في عمري
    Yabi y3arf yabi yadri mukana wain fi 3umri
    He wants to find out, he wants to know, where his place his in my heart
    وانا في داخل احساسي احبه موت من بدري
    Wana fi da5el e7sasi a7ibah mot min badri
    And within my feelings, I love him to death from long ago
    Last edited by Gole Yas; 09-10-2010 at 06:29 PM.
  6. sunset_princess said:


    thankss could you please do the same for the rest of the songs from this album?if i'm not asking too would mean a lot
  7. Gole Yas said:


    i edited my post sweetz .. enjoy them <3
  8. sunset_princess said:


    thanks a lot a lot a lot <3
  9. VivaPalestina's Avatar

    VivaPalestina said:


    Gole - Salem idayki habibti A tiny correction, ananiye is selfish, ana mosh ananiye, I'm not selfish would be better ma hek?

    Ya3tiki il3afye albi <3
  10. Gole Yas said:


    inti tislameeli sweetz .. i fixed it ..
    coz i translate as i listen/read, so the first thought in my head is what i type down =$ sry