Ceca's songs

Thread: Ceca's songs

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  1. Spring's Avatar

    Spring said:


    prokisnjavanje you mean? no..
    when milk gets spoilt .. it "uskisne" (uskislo mleko) the verb is uskisnuti and this is prokišnjavati

    and I don't know how come I couldn't remember this... in English, the roof 'leaks'
  2. cami_cami's Avatar

    cami_cami said:


    hi again pls need 2 more help when u can :*

    °°°° Ceca -- To Miki °°°°

    Onoga dana kad smo se sreli
    Bese nam kratko ljubav smo hteli
    I nikog nismo videli mi
    Samo smo bili, samo smo bili, ja i ti

    Zvao si me mala Liki
    A ja tebe samo Miki
    Brojali smo poljupce
    U minutu sto, sto, sto, sto
    To Miki to, to Miki to x2

    Naidje tako to cudno doba
    Kada se zeli ljubav da proba
    Naidju tako godine lude
    Kad usne zele, kad usne zele, da ljube

    Zvao si me mala Liki
    A ja tebe samo Miki
    Brojali smo poljupce
    U minutu sto, sto, sto, sto
    To Miki to, to Miki to x2

    Zivot je lep i nema kraja
    Pred nama vrata od samog raja
    I nikog nismo videli mi
    Samo smo bili, samo smo bili, ja i ti


    °°°° Lepa Brena -- Sta ce mi zivot °°°°
    but i can't find the lyrics for you to make translation .. ( HELP (

  3. NPazarka's Avatar

    NPazarka said:


    How do you search for lyrics?

    This song 'sta ce mi zivot', is not originally sung by her. If i'm not mistaken it's a song from Silvana Armenulic - Nocas mi srce pati - Tonight my heart is in pain

    Nocas mi srce pati - My heart is in pain tonight
    Nocas me dusa boli - My soul hurts tonight
    Tesko je kad se voli, - It's difficult when you love
    Kad ostanes sam - When you're left alone

    Sta ce mi zivot bez tebe dragi - What do I need a life for without you, my love?
    Kad drugu ljubav ne zelim da imam - When I don't want any other love
    Sanjam te sanjam - I dream of you
    Skoro svake noci - Almost every night
    Samo si ti u srcu mom - You're the only one who's in my heart

    Jesen je tuzna, vec odavno prosla - The painful fall has already left
    Uzalud cekam, uzalud se nadam - I'm waiting and hoping in vain
    O majko moja koliko ga volim - O mother, how much I love him
    Samo je on u srcu mom - He's the only person in my heart

    Good song .
  4. Spring's Avatar

    Spring said:


    Quote Originally Posted by cami_cami View Post
    °°°° Ceca -- To Miki °°°°

    Onoga dana kad smo se sreli
    Bese nam kratko ljubav smo hteli
    I nikog nismo videli mi
    Samo smo bili, samo smo bili, ja i ti

    Zvao si me mala Liki
    A ja tebe samo Miki
    Brojali smo poljupce
    U minutu sto, sto, sto, sto
    To Miki to, to Miki to x2

    Naidje tako to cudno doba
    Kada se zeli ljubav da proba
    Naidju tako godine lude
    Kad usne zele, kad usne zele, da ljube

    Zvao si me mala Liki
    A ja tebe samo Miki
    Brojali smo poljupce
    U minutu sto, sto, sto, sto
    To Miki to, to Miki to x2

    Zivot je lep i nema kraja
    Pred nama vrata od samog raja
    I nikog nismo videli mi
    Samo smo bili, samo smo bili, ja i ti

    Yes Miki

    On the day when we met
    time was too short for us, we wanted love
    and we didn't see anyone
    there was only us, there was only, me and you

    You called me little Liki
    I called you just Miki
    We were counting kisses
    one hundred per miinute, one hundred, one hundred, one hundred,
    Yes Miki yes, yes Miki yes x2

    The strange time tends to come
    when we want to try love
    the crazy years come
    when lips want, when lips want, to kiss

    You called me little Liki
    I called you just Miki
    We were counting kisses
    one hundred per miinute, one hundred, one hundred, one hundred,
    Yes Miki yes, yes Miki yes x2

    Life is beautiful and has no end
    Ahead of us the door to paradise
    And we didn't see anyone
    there was only us, there was only, me and you

    100% silly song!
  5. Millesime from Belgium said:


    Quote Originally Posted by NPazarka View Post
    How do you search for lyrics?

    This song 'sta ce mi zivot', is not originally sung by her. If i'm not mistaken it's a song from Silvana Armenulic - Nocas mi srce pati - Tonight my heart is in pain

    Nocas mi srce pati - My heart is in pain tonight
    Nocas me dusa boli - My soul hurts tonight
    Tesko je kad se voli, - It's difficult when you love
    Kad ostanes sam - When you're left alone

    Sta ce mi zivot bez tebe dragi - What do I need a life for without you, my love?
    Kad drugu ljubav ne zelim da imam - When I don't want any other love
    Sanjam te sanjam - I dream of you
    Skoro svake noci - Almost every night
    Samo si ti u srcu mom - You're the only one who's in my heart

    Jesen je tuzna, vec odavno prosla - The painful fall has already left
    Uzalud cekam, uzalud se nadam - I'm waiting and hoping in vain
    O majko moja koliko ga volim - O mother, how much I love him
    Samo je on u srcu mom - He's the only person in my heart

    Good song .
    I know 5 singers who are singing this song :

    Mostar Sevdah Reunion when they are performing with
    Lilian Butter (gipsy singer)
    Dona Ares : in disco remix
    Lepa Brela
    Silvana Armenulic
    A very nice song...
  6. NPazarka's Avatar

    NPazarka said:


    Yeah, nice song ... These are also nice:

    Ciganine, sviraj sviraj
    Ja nemam prava nikoga da volim
  7. Spring's Avatar

    Spring said:


    Here's a random song by Ceca because I ran into it today and remembered how perfect it can be!

    Ne gusi me ~ Don't Suffocate Me

    Ustajem nasmejana
    I wake up with a smile
    jer sunce sija za sve
    because sun shines for everyone
    a onda vidim te, tu i vreme pokvari se
    and then I see you there and the weather goes bad
    ne gusi me, ne gusi me
    don't suffocate me, don't suffocate me

    Kada igra mi se
    When I want to dance
    u ritmu muzike te
    in the rhythm of the music
    u sobu udjes mi ti i preskoci mi cd
    you enter the room and my CD skips
    ne gusi me, ne gusi me
    don't suffocate me, don't suffocate me

    Zasto sam depresivna, negativna
    Why I'm depressed, negative,
    neprijatna, gruba, hladna
    unpleasant, harsh, cold
    to pitaj sebe, a ne mene
    ask that yourself and not me
    jer to izbor je tvoj
    because the choice is yours
    a tebe sam sita
    and I'm fed up with you
    a ljubavi gladna, ne gusi me
    and aching for love, don't suffocate me

    Ponekad odem u mrak
    Sometimes I go into the darkness
    tamo zaboravim sve
    forget about everything there
    a onda osetim te i svetla upale se
    and then I feel you and the lights turn on

    ne gusi me, ne gusi me
    don't suffocate me, don't suffocate me

    Sampanjac otvaram
    I’m opening champaign
    u picu nalazim spas
    find rescue in drinking
    a onda cujem te, tu je savesti glas
    and then I hear you, there’s the voice of conscience
    ne gusi me, ne gusi me
    don't suffocate me, don't suffocate me

    Hocu da budem sama
    I want to be alone
    masti na volju pustim
    to let my fantasies flow
    i zovem svoje bivse
    and call my exes
    necu da pricam tise
    I don’t want to lower my voice
    ni slusalicu spustim
    nor to hang up the phone
    sad mi je previse, ne gusi me
    Now I've had enough, don't suffocate me
  8. Vanjicaaa's Avatar

    Vanjicaaa said:

    Default licis na moga oca

    Licis na moga oca
    Isto je mojo majci uzasne stvari radio
    Rukama golim
    Njeno nevino mlado srce
    Iz grudi na zivo vadio

    Eh, da je bilo pravde andjela boga
    Pa da je malo jos pozivela
    Pa da mi kaze sto sam sudbinu njenu dozivela

    Licis na moga oca
    Nocima padnes pijan
    Nesnosan, nervozan i grub
    Zbog neke druge zene
    Kafane, drustvo, novca
    Mene uzimas na zub

    Eh, da je bilo pravde andjela boga
    Pa da je malo jos pozivela
    Pa da mi kaze sto sam sudbinu njenu dozivela

    Zar i bog sto nebom hoda
    Vladar carstva nebeska
    Zar i on je muskog roda
    Okrutnog, okrutnog

    Licis na moga oca
    Na sceni mog detinjstva
    Najlepseg crnog labuda
    Zbog kog se svetla gase
    Zavesa na nade pada
    Iz proslosti nemam nikuda

    Eh, da je bilo pravde andjela boga
    Pa da je malo jos pozivela
    Da shvatim njene reci
    Sto nisam musko rodila

    Zar i bog sto nebom hoda
    Vladar carstva nebeskog
    Zar i on je muskog roda
    okrutnog, okrutnog

    helpirajte malo
    O Kako Bole Zvuci Prevare
  9. Spring's Avatar

    Spring said:


    You Are Like My Father

    You are like my father
    he also used to do dreadful things to my mother
    with his bare hands
    her innocent young hart
    he used to rip out with no anesthesia

    If there was justice, angels, God
    so that she could have lived longer
    so that she could tell me why I lived to experience her destiny

    You are like my father
    you show up drunk at nights
    obnoxious, nervous and harsh
    because of some other woman
    pub, friends, money
    you give me hard time

    Is God that’s walking on heaven
    ruler of the heavenly kingdom
    is he also male
    cruel, cruel

    You are like my father
    on my high school scene
    the most beautiful black swan
    because of whom lights are put out
    curtain of hopes is going down
    I have nowhere to go from the past

    Nocima banes pijan (not Nocima padnes pijan)
  10. quinnybecool said:

    Talking Vreteno


    I da sam te pratila
    Ko sever, severnjacu
    Ti bi vetar terao
    Na svoju vetrenjacu

    To me miljues
    Sjajnu kovrdzu
    Sjajnu raspustenicu
    Zbog koje bi lud
    Promenio cud
    Veru i krstenicu

    Koja nocas na tvoj racun pije
    Kusur ne vraca
    Uplesce ti srce u vreteno
    Vretena ti dva x2

    I da sam te cuvala
    Kao oka zenicu
    Ti bi vodu terao
    Na svoju vodenicu

    To me miljues
    Sjajnu kovrdzu
    Sjajnu raspustenicu
    Zbog koje bi lud
    Promenio cud
    Veru i krstenicu

    Koja nocas na tvoj racun pije
    Kusur ne vraca
    Uplesce ti srce u vreteno
    Vretena ti dva x2

    can someone please translate this song for me? thank you very much!
  11. Natalie.K said:

    Default Kuda Idu Ostacljene Devojke

    Quote Originally Posted by Spring View Post
    Here's a random song by Ceca because I ran into it today and remembered how perfect it can be!

    Ne gusi me ~ Don't Suffocate Me

    Ustajem nasmejana
    I wake up with a smile
    jer sunce sija za sve
    because sun shines for everyone
    a onda vidim te, tu i vreme pokvari se
    and then I see you there and the weather goes bad
    ne gusi me, ne gusi me
    don't suffocate me, don't suffocate me

    Kada igra mi se
    When I want to dance
    u ritmu muzike te
    in the rhythm of the music
    u sobu udjes mi ti i preskoci mi cd
    you enter the room and my CD skips
    ne gusi me, ne gusi me
    don't suffocate me, don't suffocate me

    Zasto sam depresivna, negativna
    Why I'm depressed, negative,
    neprijatna, gruba, hladna
    unpleasant, harsh, cold
    to pitaj sebe, a ne mene
    ask that yourself and not me
    jer to izbor je tvoj
    because the choice is yours
    a tebe sam sita
    and I'm fed up with you
    a ljubavi gladna, ne gusi me
    and aching for love, don't suffocate me

    Ponekad odem u mrak
    Sometimes I go into the darkness
    tamo zaboravim sve
    forget about everything there
    a onda osetim te i svetla upale se
    and then I feel you and the lights turn on

    ne gusi me, ne gusi me
    don't suffocate me, don't suffocate me

    Sampanjac otvaram
    I’m opening champaign
    u picu nalazim spas
    find rescue in drinking
    a onda cujem te, tu je savesti glas
    and then I hear you, there’s the voice of conscience
    ne gusi me, ne gusi me
    don't suffocate me, don't suffocate me

    Hocu da budem sama
    I want to be alone
    masti na volju pustim
    to let my fantasies flow
    i zovem svoje bivse
    and call my exes
    necu da pricam tise
    I don’t want to lower my voice
    ni slusalicu spustim
    nor to hang up the phone
    sad mi je previse, ne gusi me
    Now I've had enough, don't suffocate me

    BabelFish translate
    Ask community for help close

    Kuda Idu Ostavljene Devojke

    Jos koliko kasnih vozova da sacekam i da propusitm
    Pa da s nekim svijem gnezdo ljubavi
    Da i meni dode onaj pravi

    Kuda idu ostavljene devojke, da li se to nekad dragi pitas
    Kuda idu cujes li im poruke, zaplaces li kada ih procitas

    Jos koliko kisnih drumova iza sebe ja da ostavim
    Pa da proslost zauvek zaboravim
    Srecnom jatu i ja da se javim

    Kuda idu ostavljene devojke, da li se to nekad dragi pitas
    Kuda idu cujes li im poruke, zaplaces li kada ih procitas
  12. Spring's Avatar

    Spring said:


    Natalie... can you please elaborate on the English part of your post?

    and here is translation of Kuda idu ostavljene devojke: click
  13. Natalie.K said:


    Kuda Idu Ostavljene Devojke

    Jos koliko kasnih vozova da sacekam i da propusitm
    Pa da s nekim svijem gnezdo ljubavi
    Da i meni dode onaj pravi

    Kuda idu ostavljene devojke, da li se to nekad dragi pitas
    Kuda idu cujes li im poruke, zaplaces li kada ih procitas

    Jos koliko kisnih drumova iza sebe ja da ostavim
    Pa da proslost zauvek zaboravim
    Srecnom jatu i ja da se javim

    Kuda idu ostavljene devojke, da li se to nekad dragi pitas
    Kuda idu cujes li im poruke, zaplaces li kada ih procitas
  14. MayGoLoco's Avatar

    MayGoLoco said:


    Quote Originally Posted by Natalie.K View Post
    Kuda Idu Ostavljene Devojke

    Jos koliko kasnih vozova da sacekam i da propusitm
    Pa da s nekim svijem gnezdo ljubavi
    Da i meni dode onaj pravi

    Kuda idu ostavljene devojke, da li se to nekad dragi pitas
    Kuda idu cujes li im poruke, zaplaces li kada ih procitas

    Jos koliko kisnih drumova iza sebe ja da ostavim
    Pa da proslost zauvek zaboravim
    Srecnom jatu i ja da se javim

    Kuda idu ostavljene devojke, da li se to nekad dragi pitas
    Kuda idu cujes li im poruke, zaplaces li kada ih procitas
    The lyrics were already translated click here