English translation...."Viaggio con te" ....Laura pausini

Thread: English translation...."Viaggio con te" ....Laura pausini

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  1. DR__ADEL's Avatar

    DR__ADEL said:

    Default English translation...."Viaggio con te" ....Laura pausini

    Ciao a tutti ,
    Come state ?

    Oggi , ho una canzona , che era difficile per me a tradurre "a verb ending with "urre",that's strange , i've just noticed it despite using it many times"

    la canzona e " Viaggio con te" , non aspetti una traduzione bella perche non capisco niente delle canzone , hahaha...aspetto il vostro aiuta


    ci svegliavi con un bacio e poi.....................................you waked us with a kiss and then
    te ne andavi a letto mentre noi..................................you went to bed , while we
    correvamo in quella scuola che..................................ran in that school that
    ci dicevi 'insegna a vivere'.........................................yo u told us "teaches how to live"
    ma la vita l'hai insegnata tu.......................................but the life "' hai insegnata tu"
    >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>i think life shall be the subject and tu is the object as life teaches and doesn't learn !!....so what does this sentence mean with tu as an object ?

    ogni giorno un po' di piu'..........................................ever yday alittle more
    con quegli occhi innamorati tuoi.............................with your lovely eyes
    di due figlie matte come noi..................................for two mad girls like us
    cosa non darei perche' il tempo...........................what wouldn't i give because time
    non ci invecchi mai............................................... don't ever make us grow up
    ho imparato a cantare insieme a te.....................i learned to sing with you
    nelle sere d'estate nei caffe'...............................in the nights of summer in cafes
    ho imparato il mio coraggio................................i learned my courage
    e ho diviso la strada e l'allegria.........................and i shared the way and the joy
    la tua forza la tua malinconia.............................your power and your sadness
    ogni istante ogni miraggio.................................every instant , every mirage
    per le feste tu non c'eri mai...............................for the holidays, you were not there ever
    mamma apriva i pacchi insieme a noi...............mom opened the packs with us
    il lavoro ti portava via .......................................the work took you away
    la tua solitudine era mia.....................................the solitude became mine
    cosa non farei per ridarti il tempo perso ormai...what wouldn't i give to compensate u of the time lost now
    ho imparato ad amare come te..........................i learned to love like you
    questa vita rischiando tutta me........................this life , i am risking all "right ? but what's that me"
    ho imparato il tuo coraggio.............................i learned your courage
    e ho capito la timida follia...............................and understood the shy madness
    del tuo essere unico perche'.........................of you being alone because
    sei la meta del mio viaggio per me...............
    e cosi'............................................. ..............and so
    sempre di piu'.............................................. always
    somiglio a te...............................................l ike you
    nei tuoi sorrisi........................................... ..in your smiles
    e nelle lacrime….......................................... in your tears
    ho imparato il tuo coraggio......................i learned your courage
    e ho imparato ad amare e credere...........i learnd to love and believe
    nella vita rischiando tutta me...............in the life ..??
    e ho diviso questo viaggio con te...............and i shared my journey with you
    io con te................................................ .me with you
    ho imparato il mio coraggio…...............i learned my courage
    mi risveglio in questa casa mia............i wake up again in my house
    penso a quando te ne andavi via.........thinking about when you went away
    e anche adesso cosa non farei.............and even now , what wouldn't i do
    per ridarci il tempo perso ormai ..............to give us again the lost time now


    i simply understand nothing
    what is the song speaking out ??!!...lol for a while i thought she was singing to her dad from all what she has learnt from him

    waiting ur comments and corrections , and plz tell me the whole meaning of the song...

    thanks alot
  2. Lady_A said:


    The song is indeed dedicated to her father. She remembers moments of her childhood and she wishes for the hands of time to turn back so she can spend some more time with him. Her father was the one who taught her how to sing, when she was 8 she used to go with him an sing in bars.

    A very sensitive and beautiful song...


    ci svegliavi con un bacio e poi.....................................you used to wake us up with a kiss and then
    te ne andavi a letto mentre noi..................................you went to bed , while we
    correvamo in quella scuola che..................................ran in that school that
    ci dicevi 'insegna a vivere'.........................................yo u were telling us us "it teaches how to live"
    ma la vita l'hai insegnata tu.......................................but you were the one that tought us about life

    ogni giorno un po' di piu'..........................................ever yday a little more
    con quegli occhi innamorati tuoi.............................with your eyes full of love
    di due figlie matte come noi..................................for two mad girls like us
    cosa non darei perche' il tempo...........................what wouldn't i give so that time
    non ci invecchi mai...............................................would never make us grow up
    ho imparato a cantare insieme a te.....................i learned how to sing with you
    nelle sere d'estate nei caffe'...............................in the summer nights in [the] cafes
    ho imparato il mio coraggio................................i learned my courage
    e ho diviso la strada e l'allegria.........................and i shared the way and the joy
    la tua forza la tua malinconia.............................your power and your sadness
    ogni istante ogni miraggio.................................every instant , every mirage
    per le feste tu non c'eri mai...............................for the holidays, you were not there ever
    mamma apriva i pacchi insieme a noi...............mom opened the packs with us
    il lavoro ti portava via .......................................the work took you away
    la tua solitudine era mia.....................................your solitude became mine
    cosa non farei per ridarti il tempo perso ormai...what wouldn't i do to give you back the lost time now
    ho imparato ad amare come te..........................i learned to love like you
    questa vita rischiando tutta me........................this life , risking everything [literally: risking the whole of me]
    ho imparato il tuo coraggio.............................i learned your courage
    e ho capito la timida follia...............................and understood the shy madness
    del tuo essere unico perche'.........................of your being unique because
    sei la meta del mio viaggio per me...............you're the destination of my journey
    e cosi'............................................. ..............and so
    sempre di piu'.............................................. always more
    somiglio a te...............................................I resemble you
    nei tuoi sorrisi........................................... ..in your smiles
    e nelle lacrime….......................................... in your tears
    ho imparato il tuo coraggio......................i learned your courage
    e ho imparato ad amare e credere...........i learnd to love and believe
    nella vita rischiando tutta me...............in life risking it all
    e ho diviso questo viaggio con te...............and i shared my journey with you
    io con te................................................ .me with you
    ho imparato il mio coraggio…...............i learned my courage
    mi risveglio in questa casa mia............i wake up again in my house
    penso a quando te ne andavi via.........thinking about when you went away
    e anche adesso cosa non farei.............and even now , what wouldn't i do
    per ridarci il tempo perso ormai ..............to give us back the lost time now

  3. DR__ADEL's Avatar

    DR__ADEL said:


    thanks lady A , this song was difficult for me

    a small question please :

    nella vita rischiando tutta me

    e ho imparato ad amare e credere...........i learnd to love and believe
    nella vita rischiando tutta me...............in life risking it all

    so why is me introduced as an object in the sentence ?
    she is the one who risks her life, right ?
  4. Lady_A said:


    Quote Originally Posted by DR__ADEL View Post
    thanks lady A , this song was difficult for me

    a small question please :

    nella vita rischiando tutta me

    e ho imparato ad amare e credere...........i learnd to love and believe
    nella vita rischiando tutta me...............in life risking it all

    so why is me introduced as an object in the sentence ?
    she is the one who risks her life, right ?
    Yes, I guess it's there for the emphase.
    She could have said either rischiandomi tutta (but would have sounded a bit awkward) or (as she did) rischiando tutta me. An exact translation would be: risking all me.