English translation....."Jenny"....Laura pausini

Thread: English translation....."Jenny"....Laura pausini

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  1. DR__ADEL's Avatar

    DR__ADEL said:

    Default English translation....."Jenny"....Laura pausini

    Come state ?

    una altra canzona in stesso giorno
    perche non ?...non posso trovare molto tempo libero...percio se lo trovo , lo usero


    Jenny ha 16 anni e gli occhi blu ..............................................Jenn y has 16 years and blue eyes
    con i suoi capelli come il grano va ...........................................with her hair that goes like wheat grains
    a piedi nudi verso una citta' .................................................. ..with naked foots towards the city "what's the "a" here " ?
    cercando il viso di un ragazzo che non sogna piu' ...................searching for the face of a boy who doesn't dream anymore

    stringe in mano la fotografia ..............................................hold ing tight the photo in her hand
    ma dove puo' trovarlo jenny non lo sa ..............................but where can she find him ?! jenny doesn't know
    spinta da una cosmica energia .........................................pushed by cosmic energy
    vede un corpo soffocato da questa arida realta' .............sees a body suffocated by this dry reality

    riconosce che e' lui ..............................she recognizes that's him
    perche' non ride mai ..........................because he never laughs

    "Till now i guess the song is about two kids who were separated in their childhood and she searches for him and finds him.....this meaning totally doesn't work with the rest of the song...let's complete anyway "

    jenny e' un'isola ....................................jenny is an island
    l'ave maria ........................................"l'ave ???" maria
    dei naufraghi ....................................of survivors
    una lucciola .....................................a fire fly
    che brillera' .....................................that will shine
    nei momenti piu' bui ......................in the darkest moments
    per lui ...........................................for him

    jenny lo accompagna a casa sua ................................Jenny accompanies him to his home
    sente i suoi pensieri e la malinconia ........................listens to his thoughts and sadness
    che lo affoga come una marea ................................that drawns him like a tide
    e gli salva il cuore dal dolore della sua follia ..........andshe saves him from the pain of his madness

    mentre il mondo va via .......................................as the world goes
    senza avere pieta' ............................................withou t having pitty

    jenny e' una ancora ...........................jenny is still
    la terra a prua ................................the earth to bow "can't understand !"
    dei deboli ..........................................of the weak people
    e' una nuvola .................................she is a cloud
    che piovera' ......................................that will rain
    coriandoli .........................................sweets

    e' una favola e sta .............................is a story and is
    dentro questa realta' ......................inside of this truth
    per lui per lui .................................for him , for him "now am totally lost , who the hell is jenny "!

    jenny e' l'africa ...............................jenny is africa "As if this reply makes things clearer !! "
    la nostalgia ..................................the nostalgy
    dei brividi ..................................of shivers
    e'una briciola ..........................is a crumb
    che sfamera' ...........................that will feed
    la solitudine .............................the lonliness

    jenny e' un cielo blu ................jenny is a blue sky
    e' un miracolo ..........................is a mircale
    e' un attimo .............................is a moment
    che si accende per lui ..........that lightens for him
    nei momenti piu' bui .............in the most dark moments

    jenny ha 16 anni e se ne va ............................jenny has 16 years and she goes
    camminando a piedi nudi e non lo sa .............walking in naked feets and she doesn't know
    che e' un'angelo ................................................th at she's an angle

    okk ok let's put things in its right place now :

    jenny is an angle and she helped a child

    what's the relation between africa and the song ?

    "dentro questo realita " >>> what reality ?!?!

    waiting ur response and thank u
  2. Ligeia's Avatar

    Ligeia said:


    Jenny ha 16 anni e gli occhi blu ..............Jenn is 16 years and has blue eyes
    con i suoi capelli come il grano va ..................with her wheat hair (it means blonde hair) she goes
    a piedi nudi verso una citta' ..................... .barefoot towards a city

    Ave maria is a latin catholic hymn/prayer.

    sente i suoi pensieri e la malinconia ...................feels his thoughts and sadness

    jenny e' una ancora .................jenny is an anchor
    la terra a prua ....................the land before ("prua" is a nautical term, it means "fore")
    dei deboli ................................for the weak people
    e' una nuvola .................................she is a cloud
    che piovera' ......................................that will rain
    coriandoli ...............................confetti ("coriandoli" are multi-coloured small pieces of paper thrown at carnival parades or celebrations)
    "-Please tell me you're going to appeal to my humanity..."
    "-Actually, I'm planning to threaten you."

    "Well, if you'll excuse me, I have work to do. Evil plots don't just make themselves, you know!"
  3. DR__ADEL's Avatar

    DR__ADEL said:


    Thanks alot ligeia for ur efforts and help ...thanks (F)