Miscellaneous (not lyrics) Arabic <-> English Translations

Thread: Miscellaneous (not lyrics) Arabic <-> English Translations

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  1. mvnr1 said:


    @ Maviii

    Quote Originally Posted by Maviii View Post
    hey mvnr1
    sorry for interrupting here but wanted to say that bolbol is common in jordan too
    so i think there is some countries in arab world use bolbol in time others use it as lebleb
    no need to say sorry for interrupting, u r not interrupting anything

    i don't know about the other countries, in Egyptian Arabic i've never heard anyone use the word bolbol to give the meaning of fluently

    the word lebleb means fluently, and i don't think it's related to the word bolbol at all they r 2 totally different words

    and the word lebleb isn't the word that's always used to mean fluently in Egyptian Arabic, u can say byetkalem English gamed mot or 7elw awi or gamed a5er 7aga or saye3 fel English or any other way to express the meaning of fluently

    when i hear the word bolbol i can only think of singing
  2. CZAREK2581 said:


    Quote Originally Posted by Maviii View Post
    eh ya blabel malko 3ala hal sob7 bte7ko 3nel balabel ya blabel =))
    just wanted to say quick hi to both of you LoOlya and CZAREK2581
    and jum3a mubaraka 3alena o 3lekom in$alla
    اهلين و سهلين بلبلة
    استمتعي بويكيند تبعك
  3. VivaPalestina's Avatar

    VivaPalestina said:


    Quote Originally Posted by CZAREK2581 View Post
    teshta2lak el 3afye inshallah

    Quote Originally Posted by CZAREK2581 View Post
    yalahwe so u are not familiar with EA anymore walla shoo?and I feel that you became more British than Arabic ,dont ya?
    I was always British mashi ya 3amo, we'll go to the Egyptian thread w ask Eso
  4. VivaPalestina's Avatar

    VivaPalestina said:


    Conversation carried on here
  5. Layla's Avatar

    Layla said:


    I tried to translate this story, could somebody please check it out for me?

    في يوم من الأيام،كان في انجليزي اجا البلاد من شان يتعلم عربي، سجل إنو في مدرسة اللغات في وسط العاصمة وبلش اللغة العربية الفصحى وكمان العامية! بعد إسبوع شافو إنو مش عم بتقدم أبدا. ما كان يعرف يكتب ولا يقرا. وبالنسبة للحكي ما قدر يلفظ حتى أبسط الكلمات، لهاللسبب شاف مدير المدرسة إنو لازم يغير البرنامج شوي، من شان يساعد الشب المسكين. حرام إنو ييجي من لندن ويدفع حق تذكرة الطيارة ورسوم المدرسة بالإضافة لتكاليف كل يوم، يعني حق الأكل والشرب والنوم وبعد كل هادا ما يتعلم شي! فالمدير اتفق مع الاستاذ تبعو على تغيير البرنامج على اساس ترك الفصحى والتركيز عالعامي
    Once there was an Englishman who came to the country in order to learn Arabic, ... at the School of Languages in the center of the capital and began to study the standard Arabic language, as well as the colloquial one. After one week they saw that he ... nothing. He didn’t know how to write or read. And for the sake of talk ... not even the simplest words, for this reason, the director of the school saw that he had to change a little the program, so that he helps the poor chap. It was a shame that he came from London and pay ... an air-ticket and the expenses of the school and in addition, the ... each day, that means ... food and drink, accommodation (sleep) and after all this he didn't learn a thing. So, the director agreed with his teacher to change the program on the basis of abandoning the standard Arabic and focusing on the colloquial Arabic.

    جربو البرنامج الجديد شهر كامل ، بس... بدون فائدة. الشاب ما تعلم...قول ، ما تعلم شي ، ما قدر يحكي أكتر من كلمتين ، تلاتة، حقيقة ، عربي مكسر تماماً. الاستاذ رجع للمدير و قالو :"يا حضرة المدير ، تسمح لي أقول لك : هالشاب الانجليزي الي عندي بالصف ما بيسوى بالمرة ، أحسن يرجع لبلدو. ما فيش فائدة ، أبداً. لو ضل كمان عشرين سنة بالمدرسة مش ممكن يتعلم يحكي عربي ! صدقني!"
    They tried the new program a whole month, but... without benefit. The young man did not learn... well, he didn’t learn anything. He couldn't speak more than 2 words, three, really it was a completely broken Arabic. The teacher came back to the director and told him: „Director, allow me to tell you: This Englishman who is in my class is completely useless, it’s better for him if he went back to his country, there is no use at all! Even if he stayed for 20 years more, he wouldn’t be able to talk Arabic. Believe me!”

    "طيب ، بقدّر موقفك ، بس شو نعمل؟"
    „Ok, I ... your position, but what should we do?”
    "أنا بقول لك شو. عندي اقتراح. ان شاء الله بيعجبك"
    „I tell you what. I have a suggestion, I hope you will like it!”
    "تفضل! بحب اساعدو، مسكين."
    „Please! I would like to help him, the poor chap.”
    "ليش ما نتفق مع ناس ، يعد عندهم 6 شهور او سنة و ما يحكي معهم الا عربي. هيك لازم يتعلم، غصب عنو!"
    „Why don’t we make an arrangement with some people, for him to stay for 6 months or a year, so that he talks to them just in Arabic. In this way he has to learn, despite him.”
    "فكرة ممتازة ، بس وين ؟ بتعرف حدا؟"
    „An excellent idea, but where? Do you know anyone?”
    "نعم عندي قرايب ساكنين في شمال البلد ، يمكن 400 ميل من هون ، جماعة كبيرة ، كتير طيبين وما في ولا واحد منهم بيعرف انجليزي"
    „Yes, I have some acquaintances who live in the North of the country, maybe 400 miles from here, a large group, very good people and there is none who knows English.”
    "عال! ممكن تدبر طريقة منشان يعد عندهم ؟ و مندفع اللي لازم ، و منشوف."
    ...! Can you ... a way for him to stay with them? And we pay whatever it is needed and we see!”
    "منتكل على الله!."
    „We will rely on God!”

    و بعدين اتفقو مع أهل الاستاذ و هم استقبلو الشاب في الضيعة و دبّرولو غرفتين في بيت ابن عم الاستاذ. هادا حصل في آخر السنة و بعد 6 أشهر ، يعني في الصيف، مدير المدرسة بعت الاستاذ بالضيعة منشان يسأل عن الشاب و يشوف اذا بدو شي.
    And then they made an arrangement with the teacher’s family and they met the young man in the ... and arranged for him 2 rooms in the house of the teacher’s cousin. This happened at the end of the year and after 6 months, that means in Summer, the director of the school sent the teacher to the ... so that he asks about the young man and see if he needs anything.

    بعد ساعة بالطيارة و ساعتين بالباص الصغير الي بيمشي على الخط بين الضيعة و مركز المحافظة ، الاستاذ وصل حامد شاكر لأول الضيعة. لما نزل من الباص شاف فلّاح عم بيشتغل حدّ الطريق, سلّم عليه و صار يحكي معو
    After an hour by plane and 2 hours in the small bus which runs on the line between the ... and the center of the ..., the teacher arrived praising and thanking God, as soon as he arrived in the ...! When he got off the bus, he saw a peasant who was working at the side of the road, he greated him and began talking to him.

    "أهلاً! يعطيك العافية!"
    „Hello! May God give you health!”
    "الله يزيدك عافية ، يا استاذ! أهلاً و سهلاً! كيف حال جنابك؟"
    „May God increase your health, sir! Welcome! How are you?”
    " الله يحفظك ، كيف صحتك؟"
    „May God protect you. How is your health?”
    "نشكر الله كل ساعة! تفضل ، استاذ ، أُعد شوي! "
    „We thank God every hour! Please, sir sit down for a little while.”
    أفضلت ، بس حبيت أكمّل الطريق للضيعة و أشوف أهلي و صديقي! يمكن تعرفو ، انجليزي الي أجا لهون قبل 6 شهور تقريباً "
    “I would prefer that, but I want to finish my journey to the … and see my family and my friend! Maybe you know him, he is an Englishman who came here almost 6 months ago!”
    "معلوم بعرفو!"
    „Of course I know him!”
    "وينو هلأ ؟"
    „Where is he now?”
    „He’s just around the corner, in the fish-and-chips shop!”
  6. Evanescent's Avatar

    Evanescent said:


    Quote Originally Posted by Layla View Post
    I tried to translate this story, could somebody please check it out for me?

    في يوم من الأيام،كان في انجليزي اجا البلاد من شان يتعلم عربي، سجل إنو في مدرسة اللغات في وسط العاصمة وبلش اللغة العربية الفصحى وكمان العامية! بعد إسبوع شافو إنو مش عم بتقدم أبدا. ما كان يعرف يكتب ولا يقرا. وبالنسبة للحكي ما قدر يلفظ حتى أبسط الكلمات، لهاللسبب شاف مدير المدرسة إنو لازم يغير البرنامج شوي، من شان يساعد الشب المسكين. حرام إنو ييجي من لندن ويدفع حق تذكرة الطيارة ورسوم المدرسة بالإضافة لتكاليف كل يوم، يعني حق الأكل والشرب والنوم وبعد كل هادا ما يتعلم شي! فالمدير اتفق مع الاستاذ تبعو على تغيير البرنامج على اساس ترك الفصحى والتركيز عالعامي
    Once there was an Englishman who came to the country in order to learn Arabic, registered at the School of Languages in the center of the capital and began to study the standard Arabic language, as well as the colloquial one. After one week they saw that he did not progress at all. He didn’t know how to write or read. And regarding talking, he could not pronounce even the simplest words, for this reason, the director of the school saw that he had to change a little the program, so that he helps the poor chap. It was a shame that he came from London and pay air-ticket and the chargesof the school, in addition to daily expenses, that means cost of food and drink, accommodation (sleep) and after all this he didn't learn a thing. So, the director agreed with his teacher to change the program on the basis of abandoning the standard Arabic and focusing on the colloquial Arabic.

    جربو البرنامج الجديد شهر كامل ، بس... بدون فائدة. الشاب ما تعلم...قول ، ما تعلم شي ، ما قدر يحكي أكتر من كلمتين ، تلاتة، حقيقة ، عربي مكسر تماماً. الاستاذ رجع للمدير و قالو :"يا حضرة المدير ، تسمح لي أقول لك : هالشاب الانجليزي الي عندي بالصف ما بيسوى بالمرة ، أحسن يرجع لبلدو. ما فيش فائدة ، أبداً. لو ضل كمان عشرين سنة بالمدرسة مش ممكن يتعلم يحكي عربي ! صدقني!"
    They tried the new program a whole month, but... without benefit. The young man did not learn... well, he didn’t learn anything. He couldn't speak more than 2 words, three, really it was a completely broken Arabic. The teacher came back to the director and told him: „Director, allow me to tell you: This Englishman who is in my class is completely useless, it’s better for him if he went back to his country, there is no use at all! Even if he stayed for 20 years more, he wouldn’t be able to talk Arabic. Believe me!”

    "طيب ، بقدّر موقفك ، بس شو نعمل؟"
    „Ok, I appreciate your attitude, but what should we do?”
    "أنا بقول لك شو. عندي اقتراح. ان شاء الله بيعجبك"
    „I tell you what. I have a suggestion, I hope you will like it!”
    "تفضل! بحب اساعدو، مسكين."
    „Please! I would like to help him, the poor chap.”
    "ليش ما نتفق مع ناس ، يعد عندهم 6 شهور او سنة و ما يحكي معهم الا عربي. هيك لازم يتعلم، غصب عنو!"
    „Why don’t we make an arrangement with some people, for him to stay for 6 months or a year, so that he talks to them just in Arabic. In this way he has to learn, despite him.”
    "فكرة ممتازة ، بس وين ؟ بتعرف حدا؟"
    „An excellent idea, but where? Do you know anyone?”
    "نعم عندي قرايب ساكنين في شمال البلد ، يمكن 400 ميل من هون ، جماعة كبيرة ، كتير طيبين وما في ولا واحد منهم بيعرف انجليزي"
    „Yes, I have some acquaintances who live in the North of the country, maybe 400 miles from here, a large group, very good people and there is none who knows English.”
    "عال! ممكن تدبر طريقة منشان يعد عندهم ؟ و مندفع اللي لازم ، و منشوف."
    Excellent! Can you arrange a way for him to stay with them? And we pay whatever it is needed and we see!”
    "منتكل على الله!."
    „We will rely on God!”

    و بعدين اتفقو مع أهل الاستاذ و هم استقبلو الشاب في الضيعة و دبّرولو غرفتين في بيت ابن عم الاستاذ. هادا حصل في آخر السنة و بعد 6 أشهر ، يعني في الصيف، مدير المدرسة بعت الاستاذ بالضيعة منشان يسأل عن الشاب و يشوف اذا بدو شي.
    And then they made an arrangement with the teacher’s family and they met the young man in the countryside and arranged for him 2 rooms in the house of the teacher’s cousin. This happened at the end of the year and after 6 months, that means in Summer, the director of the school sent the teacher to the countryside so that he asks about the young man and see if he needs anything.

    بعد ساعة بالطيارة و ساعتين بالباص الصغير الي بيمشي على الخط بين الضيعة و مركز المحافظة ، الاستاذ وصل حامد شاكر لأول الضيعة. لما نزل من الباص شاف فلّاح عم بيشتغل حدّ الطريق, سلّم عليه و صار يحكي معو
    After an hour by plane and 2 hours in the small bus which runs on the line between the countryside and the center of the province, the teacher arrived praising and thanking God, as soon as he arrived in the countryside! When he got off the bus, he saw a peasant who was working at the side of the road, he greeted him and began talking to him.

    "أهلاً! يعطيك العافية!"
    „Hello! May God give you health!”
    "الله يزيدك عافية ، يا استاذ! أهلاً و سهلاً! كيف حال جنابك؟"
    „May God increase your health, sir! Welcome! How are you?”
    " الله يحفظك ، كيف صحتك؟"
    „May God protect you. How is your health?”
    "نشكر الله كل ساعة! تفضل ، استاذ ، أُعد شوي! "
    „We thank God every hour! Please, sir sit down for a little while.”
    أفضلت ، بس حبيت أكمّل الطريق للضيعة و أشوف أهلي و صديقي! يمكن تعرفو ، انجليزي الي أجا لهون قبل 6 شهور تقريباً "
    “I would prefer that, but I want to finish my journey to the countryside and see my family and my friend! Maybe you know him, he is an Englishman who came here almost 6 months ago!”
    "معلوم بعرفو!"
    „Of course I know him!”
    "وينو هلأ ؟"
    „Where is he now?”
    „He’s just around the corner, in the fish-and-chips shop!”
    I hope this is helpful enough.
  7. Layla's Avatar

    Layla said:


    Quote Originally Posted by Evanescent View Post
    I hope this is helpful enough.
    Thank you very much! Yes, indeed very helpful!
  8. Shoppingxgirl's Avatar

    Shoppingxgirl said:

    Default hey-

    Just passing by to say hello
  9. Oriee's Avatar

    Oriee said:


    Quote Originally Posted by Layla View Post
    I tried to translate this story, could somebody please check it out for me?
    بعد إسبوع شافو إنو مش عم بتقدم أبدا
    I believe شافو here means: notice... So they've noticed that he's not improving at all.

    لهاللسبب شاف مدير المدرسة إنو لازم يغير البرنامج شوي
    شاف here I believe it means: realized or decided
    كلمتين ، تلاتة، حقيقة
    I prefer between "2 words" & "three", or to be added

    Honestly it's the first time I come across this word in my life , anyway, ..... ooo how can this word be translated... I'm thinking that it's like "Hoşbulduk" belki, yani sth like this
    لا يَشْكُرُ الله مَنْ لا يَشْكُرُ النَّاس
    The One Who Doesn't Thank Others, Doesn't Thank God
  10. kaka said:


    what is this means> yamma ma2waha
  11. LoOlya's Avatar

    LoOlya said:


    Quote Originally Posted by kaka View Post
    what is this means> yamma ma2waha
    Oh how strong\rude she is!!
    Syria ♥
    لّا إِلَهَ إِلاَّ أَنتَ سُبْحَانَكَ إِنِّي كُنتُ مِنَ الظَّالِمِينَ
    Suriyeli damarımda Türk kanı akıyor.
  12. ro7y t7bk's Avatar

    ro7y t7bk said:


    what means ملحوس
  13. Maviii's Avatar

    Maviii said:


    Quote Originally Posted by ro7y t7bk View Post
    what means ملحوس
  14. CZAREK2581 said:


    Quote Originally Posted by Maviii View Post

    when u call someone ملحوس it means like CUCKOO in American slang which means "Mad, bonkers, crazy"
  15. Maviii's Avatar

    Maviii said:


    Quote Originally Posted by CZAREK2581 View Post

    when u call someone ملحوس it means like CUCKOO in American slang which means "Mad, bonkers, crazy"
    well i never came across such word
    am familiar with man7oos thou
    but mal7oos was a bit freak
    and even when i heard it was mal7oos 3a2lo means fooled by
  16. Shoppingxgirl's Avatar

    Shoppingxgirl said:


    hello! what does it mean?

    mbrookk Shbabbb .. la2 fz3too m3naa sho hadd nmora wfalteee !! Ndaabbbb emsheee menakk 2eloooooo

    3amahlko 3al apropo

    walak 7aflet al sene hay...

    we7yatak ma howe ante had ?

    3amele upgrade , ma3 sha3er

    7elwe saher ama eshla7 al nadarat layfakrok a3ma

    Had al mawjod we malesh 5la2 ha23od afhem feko le belbaso nadrat lama bekon 7awalek talej

    heek sme3et

    sentences are miscellaneous, they are not related to eachother.

  17. CZAREK2581 said:


    Quote Originally Posted by Shoppingxgirl View Post
    hello! what does it mean?

    mbrookk Shbabbb .. la2 fz3too m3naa sho hadd nmora wfalteee !! Ndaabbbb emsheee menakk 2eloooooo

    3amahlko 3al apropo

    walak 7aflet al sene hay...

    we7yatak ma howe ante had ?

    3amele upgrade , ma3 sha3er

    7elwe saher ama eshla7 al nadarat layfakrok a3ma

    Had al mawjod we malesh 5la2 ha23od afhem feko le belbaso nadrat lama bekon 7awalek talej

    heek sme3et

    sentences are miscellaneous, they are not related to eachother.

    I hope u are not learning arabic through translating such a strange things
    Without more context my translation will suck however i did it for you . Hope native's can correct my mistakes

    1.Congratulions guys,u have been scared with us?u are like wild tigers, go and hide urself you and you

    2.Take it easy on (propo nickname maybe)

    3.hey you this is the party of the year

    4.swear u are not the one ?

    5.do me upgrade with sha3er(don't know maybe nickname again)

    6.it is nice saher when i will take glasses off they think about you that u are blind

    7.this is what i have i dont feel like keep explaining u why should i put glasses on when there is a snow around new
  18. Shoppingxgirl's Avatar

    Shoppingxgirl said:


    Quote Originally Posted by CZAREK2581 View Post
    I hope u are not learning arabic through translating such a strange things
    Without more context my translation will suck however i did it for you . Hope native's can correct my mistakes

    1.Congratulions guys,u have been scared with us?u are like wild tigers, go and hide urself you and you

    2.Take it easy on (propo nickname maybe)

    3.hey you this is the party of the year

    4.swear u are not the one ?

    5.do me upgrade with sha3er(don't know maybe nickname again)

    6.it is nice saher when i will take glasses off they think about you that u are blind

    7.this is what i have i dont feel like keep explaining u why should i put glasses on when there is a snow around new
    Lol no I'm not learning, just curious about what some people write on facebook ^^ Sometimes I catch a word or two like then I can understand a sentence more or less, but sometimes I need your help guys
    I'm going to see if someone else can try to translate the sentences so the meaning is clearer

    Btw, what does it mean? من طلب العلا نام الليالي وشد لحافه وقال "أنا مالي ؟
  19. mvnr1 said:


    @ Shoppingxgirl

    Quote Originally Posted by Shoppingxgirl View Post
    hello! what does it mean?

    mbrookk Shbabbb .. la2 fz3too m3naa sho hadd nmora wfalteee !! Ndaabbbb emsheee menakk 2eloooooo

    3amahlko 3al apropo

    walak 7aflet al sene hay...

    we7yatak ma howe ante had ?

    3amele upgrade , ma3 sha3er

    7elwe saher ama eshla7 al nadarat layfakrok a3ma

    Had al mawjod we malesh 5la2 ha23od afhem feko le belbaso nadrat lama bekon 7awalek talej

    heek sme3et

    sentences are miscellaneous, they are not related to eachother.

    this is not the dialect i speak and i can't understand many of the words, but CZAREK2581 got many of them correctly

    Quote Originally Posted by CZAREK2581 View Post
    5.do me upgrade with sha3er(don't know maybe nickname again)
    sha3er means poet, sha3r means hair, but i still can't understand the whole sentence

    Quote Originally Posted by Shoppingxgirl View Post
    we7yatak ma howe ante had ?
    it means r u serious? this isn't u?

    Quote Originally Posted by Shoppingxgirl View Post
    heek sme3et
    it means that's what i heard

    Quote Originally Posted by Shoppingxgirl View Post
    Lol no I'm not learning, just curious about what some people write on facebook ^^ Sometimes I catch a word or two like then I can understand a sentence more or less, but sometimes I need your help guys
    I'm going to see if someone else can try to translate the sentences so the meaning is clearer

    Btw, what does it mean? من طلب العلا نام الليالي وشد لحافه وقال "أنا مالي ؟
    it means who wants to be great should sleep at night and cover himself/herself with the quilt and say "I don't care", it's humorous play on words, the saying is originally من طلب العلا سهر الليالى (who wants to be great should work at night too and not sleep), it's a famous saying, but the words in ur sentence r changed with other rhyming words that make it funny, the humor in it is lost in translation because the humor is based on the rhyming of the Arabic words (al layali and mali)
  20. Shoppingxgirl's Avatar

    Shoppingxgirl said:


    Quote Originally Posted by mvnr1 View Post
    @ Shoppingxgirl

    this is not the dialect i speak and i can't understand many of the words, but CZAREK2581 got many of them correctly

    sha3er means poet, sha3r means hair, but i still can't understand the whole sentence

    it means r u serious? this isn't u?

    it means that's what i heard

    it means who wants to be great should sleep at night and cover himself/herself with the quilt and say "I don't care", it's humorous play on words, the saying is originally من طلب العلا سهر الليالى (who wants to be great should work at night too and not sleep), it's a famous saying, but the words in ur sentence r changed with other rhyming words that make it funny, the humor in it is lost in translation because the humor is based on the rhyming of the Arabic words (al layali and mali)
    hehe thanks for the explanation! and thanks to Czarek2581 as well ;-)