Please help with translation

Thread: Please help with translation

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  1. trinebja said:

    Exclamation Please help with translation

    Hi :-)
    I 'm looking for the lyrics- and translation of Tamer Hosny's Olly Bahebak from 2004, can't find it "anywhere". Want to use the song in a choreography, and therefor i really really need the lyrics... Please, please...
    Hopefully waiting...
  2. Angelus's Avatar

    Angelus said:


    Oully Ba7ebak
    Tell Me I Love You

    fe youm zay dah, fe leila zay de / On a day like this one, in a night like this one
    7abiby beyeb2a ma3aya wel-2ah betetnesy / my love used to be with me, and the pain would be forgotten

    7abiby kol youm beyfout ba7es / my love, everyday that passes by, I feel
    ka2enny men gherak amoot / like without you I could die
    7abiby kol youm beyfout ba7es / my love, everyday that passes by, I feel
    be2enny me7taglak moot / that I need you to death

    oully ba7ebak be sot 3aly / tell me I love you in a loud voice
    oully ba7ebak ya 7abiby ya ghaly / tell me I love you, my percious love

    7abiby matsebneesh a3eesh / my love don't leave me live
    wala sanya b3eed 3an 7odnak / even a second aways from your hug
    enta 7ayaty / you are my love

    oully ba7ebak be sot 3aly / tell me I love you in a loud voice
    oully ba7ebak ya 7abiby ya ghaly / tell me I love you, my percious love


    قوللي بحبك

    في يوم زي ده، في ليلة زي دي
    حبيبي بيبقى معايا و الآه بتتنسي

    حبيبي كل يوم بيفوت باحس
    كأني من غيرك أموت
    حبيبي كل يوم بيفوت باحس
    بأني محتاجلك موت

    قوللي باحبك بصوت عالي
    قوللي باحبك يا حبيبي يا غالي

    حبيبي ما تسيبنيش اعيش
    ولا ثانية بعيد عن حضنك
    انت حياتي

    قوللي باحبك بصوت عالي
    قوللي باحبك يا حبيبي يا غالي
  3. Angelus's Avatar

    Angelus said:


    thats rock-stars work btw
  4. trinebja said:

    Smile Thanks alot

    Thanks alot!! Don't know how i'd make it without u... I've tried So many lyric-sites...
    Is there an easily accessable site to find the arabic letters that are represented by numbers? Am reading basic MSA at the moment with my husband, and we haven't found all of the number-representations yet... I know the 3 and 7, but that's it...
    Trine Bjarkoy :-)
  5. Angelus's Avatar

    Angelus said:


    i didnt translate this,rock star did.. i just posted his work hehe.. but you are welcome.. as for the digits i had posted them all somewhere.... let me find it and post here
  6. Angelus's Avatar

    Angelus said:


    6ayeb, here it is

    the digits represent the sounds in arabic that do not have an equivalent in english, e.g. the 7 is a hard H from throat kinda thing, 5 is umm something between the 7 and the normal h, 3 is a sound similar to a, but more umm muffled in a way, the 2 represents something of a sharp 'stop' to a sound... the 9 is a an s and the 6 is a t that come from the throat ... am i missing any digits here lol... and im not arab, its probably best if rock star looks over these explanations, as im not good with explaining neither... btw there a few sites that offer audio samples of the letters/sounds, if you are interested let me know....

    ah and i just remembered rock star had posted this in relations to the digits :

    7 --> ح which is a sharp H from the throat
    2 --> ء which is the gloatal stop, like when you say "Apple", it's the 1st sound
    3 --> ع which sounds like gaging

    and the link to whole thing is below, if you wanna go over it
  7. Monox D. I-Fly said:


    Quote Originally Posted by Angelus View Post
    6ayeb, here it is
    2 --> ء which is the gloatal stop, like when you say "Apple", it's the 1st sound
    Huh? I thought 2 represents q, as in "qalb" (heart) written as "2alb".