Abdel Halim Hafez - Maddah El Amar [*]

Thread: Abdel Halim Hafez - Maddah El Amar [*]

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  1. ITANI said:

    Default Abdel Halim Hafez - Maddah El Amar [*]

    I would like this very difficult song to be translated to English. You would have done me a huge favour. I hope someone can do it.


    I need part 2 to 5 translated please!

    Big thanks to whoever is capable of translating this.
    Last edited by ITANI; 02-16-2009 at 10:10 AM.
  2. ITANI said:


    No one?
  3. Dr_Maro said:


    i hope u would like the translation

    عاشق ليالى الصبر مداح القمر ..... أنا عاشق
    lover of the patience nights, praiser of the moon...... i'm a lover
    عشق العيون السمر غوانى السهر
    the love of the black eyes makes me love to stay up at night

    Unless the day in your eyes
    لولا الورورد فى خدودك
    Unless the flowers in your cheeks
    لولا الامان فى وجودك
    Unless the safety in your presence
    ما كنت هويت ولا حبيت ولا حسيت بطعم الحب يا عمرى
    I wouldn't be fond I wouldn't love or felt the taste of love my life
    قدك المياس أيقظ الاحساس فى صدرى
    Your swinging body awakened the feeling in me
    انت احلى الناس فى نظرى جل من سواك يا عمرى
    You are the most beautiful one in my eyes, great who created you my life
    Last edited by Dr_Maro; 02-17-2009 at 05:59 PM.
  4. ITANI said:


    Thank you very much! Can you translate the rest of the song?




    I really appreciate it because not many have been able to translate this.
  5. Dr_Maro said:


    for this part
    the translation is

    يا شعر ليل ياليل ياليل وفارد ضفايرك ع القمر
    Your hair is black like the night, oh night oh night and you spread it out on the moon
    يا قمر يا قمر
    Oh moon oh moon
    يابو ضحكة حلوة منورة فى ليل السهر
    You with a beautiful smile that lighten the night of vigil
    يا ليل ياليل
    Oh night oh night
    آه يا قمر
    Oh moon
    ياللى حسنك خللى دقات القلوب بتقول آهات
    Your beauty makes the hearts' beats say ah
    ياما قالوا فيك أشعار كتيرة وحكايات
    They said a lot of poems and stories about you

    وليلاتى بيحكوا فى هواهم وكلام ع الرمش اللى رماهم
    And every night they talk about their love and about the lash that affected them
    والليل بيطول وياهم ويقربلى فرحة عمرى
    And the night gets longer with them and makes the happiness of my life gets closer

    قدك المياس أيقظ الاحساس فى صدرى
    Your swinging body awakened the feeling in me
    انت احلى الناس فى نظرى جل من سواك يا عمرى
    You are the most beautiful one in my eyes, great who created you my life

    عينى يا عينى يا عينى عينى عليك
    Oh my eyes oh my eyes, my eyes are on you
    كل القلوب بتدوب بتدوب حواليكى يا عينى
    All the hearts are melted around you, my eyes
  6. Dr_Maro said:


    and for this part
    here is the translation

    أما أنا وحدى أنا
    ,but me, only me
    بشوفك بس بعيون غير عيون الناس
    I see you with eyes rather than that of other people
    وأحبك بكل ما فى القلب من احساس
    And I love you by all the senses in my heart
    بشوف الحزن مدارى ورا الضحكة اللى فى عينيكى
    I see the sadness hiding behind the smile in your eyes
    وبسمع فى رنين صوتك شجن مالى لياليكى
    And I hear in your voice ring sorrow that fills your nights
    وياريت اللى كتير وصفوكى
    And I wish those who described you alot
    كانوا يخدوا عينيا يشوفكى
    Took my eyes to see you
    كانوا بقلوبهم حبوكى زى ما حبيتك انا وقلبى
    They would love you with their hearts as me and my heart loved you

    قدك المياس أيقظ الاحساس فى صدرى
    Your swinging body awakened the feeling in me
    انت احلى الناس فى نظرى جل من سواك يا عمرى
    You are the most beautiful one in my eyes, great who created you my life
  7. Dr_Maro said:


    and for the last part
    the translation is

    موال موال عاشق بقيت موال
    Folk song folk song, lover became a folk song
    وقصتى بتنقال
    And my story is being told
    للناس وللعاشقين
    To the people And the lovers
    موال أنا موال
    A folk song I'm a folk song
    وقصتى بتنقال
    And my story is being told
    آااااااااه موال
    Aaaaaaah folk song

    قالوا فى الموال قالوا
    They said in this folk song, they said
    ع اللى صبر ونال قالوا
    About who tolerate and get
    من بعد صبر سنين
    After years of patience
    وأنا اللى قلبى خلاص ارتاح
    And I whose my heart almost pleased
    أنا ..... أنا
    I ….I
    وبقيت فى دنيا من الأفراح
    I am become in a world of happiness
    أنا ..... أنا
    I ….I
    ومشيت ياليل مشوار طويل
    I've walked a long way, night
    ولا قلت مرة مستحيل
    And I didn't say noway even for once
    ومشيت على الشوك مارجعنى
    And I walked on the thorns, that didn't make me get back
    لحد الحب ماطاوعنى
    Until the love obeyed me

    وبقيت أنا والحلوة حكاية
    And I and the pretty became a story
    عمرها ما هيبقالها نهاية
    That will never end
    طول مانتى ياحبيبتى معايا هتنورلى أيام عمرى
    As you my sweetheart are with me, my days will be lightened
  8. Dr_Maro said:


    i hope u'll like the translation
    and i hope it's clear enough for you

    and really i have to thank u for givin' me the chance to know how much it's a beautiful song
  9. ITANI said:


    Thank you very much since I didn't expect anyone to translate this song because it's quite difficult but really thanks. I appreciate that you took the time to do so.

    Thanks again!