Hello everyone,
I hope you like this song. Gotta love Hatim! :P Its called A7la Banaat<3
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Hatim Iraqi - A7la Banaat
bayba bayba bayba bayba
?? :S :S
ya aghla szd2a'y, ya a7la banaat
oh my most precious friend
oh best of girls
tb2a intu wa7dich doom al ma3ajabaat
you stay, by yourself
always the admirers
tb2a al ameera, al'ulaa wala5eera
stay being by yourself, the first and the last
dam3a min dmou3ich, ma teswa 7ayat
dam3a min dmou3ich, ma teswa 7ayat
a tear from your tears, does not justify (sufficient) life
sabran 3al layli, sabran 3al jra7
laylich ma ye6oul, yem7y hal saba7
patient with my nights, patient with injury
your nights dont lengthen, erase this morning
sabran yel 7abbiba, 3al duniya ghariba
patient for my love, with the strange world
ya ma5sal layali, saran thikiriyat
oh lost my nights, it became a memory
lo aksar 3younee, b3ounich ashouf,
madam inte yemee, sabr 3l gharoof
if my eyes break, and I see with your eyes
as long as your near me, ill be patient with the strangeness****
lo serte elli ghayree, ma a3araf maseeri
elli b3mery inte, a7la omniat
if you became to me different, i dont know my fate
your the one in my life, the BEST goal
elli b3omery inte, agla omniat
your who is in my life, most valued goal/aim