Bound For Attack – The Fear Lyrics

The fear
I was born under a bad sign
Even then I knew what would be mine
All through my growing years
My pride would overcome my tears

Born free and my destiny is clear
I must keep you from the fear
Get your minds on the right track
It´s White Power and no turning back
24 years I waited and planned
And dreamed of a way to save my land
With a loyal few, I tried in ´23
But because of the marxist it wasn´t to be
10 years on I seized my chance
Now I could make the red puppet dance
Swept througt Europe and out to the east
And finally face to face with the beast
Why oh why didn´t the white man learn
Now you pay the price as your lands now burn
If you´d listend now you would be free
Still it´s not late to realize your destiny

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