i love all the songs
i love all the songs
Thnx!!!!!!! you all are awesomeeeeeeee!! I been looking for this translations!!
Shame on me!
I'm sorry people for not coming back to continue the translations , I really am.
Is there something left that I can translate ?
.. وذاك الذي لا يرى غيره
ولا يجد الخير خيـرا ً اذا لم يكن خيره
فــــــــراغ .. فـــــراغ
people! who knows this song of elissa? pleeeeeeeeeeeeeease!
Hi *Irinca* the song awakher el sheta has been translate before! here is the link: http://www.allthelyrics.com/forum/ar...tml#post333629
thank you! so sad song
Hi there, "Eisha wel salam" or عــيــشـــه والســـلام doesn't exactly mean Careless Life,it's an Egyptian Arabic phrase said when you're frustrated and not really enjoying your life,just living it. So "Eisha wel Salam" means " Just (living) a life".
Hope that helped,and any more inquiries are most welcome. =)
(Butterflyish) Sarah
11. Tesada2 Bemin تصدق بمين
Can anyone please translate this in egyptian arabic with latin letters??
English - Arabic ..
arabic like this :Tesada2 Bemin
not like this: تصدق بمين
Here you are.
تصدق بمين..
tesadda2 be-min
By Whom shallI swear (so you would believe me)
بعدنا ويادوب ماعداش يومين
be3edna o ya-doub ma3adsh youmin
We parted and barely passed, two days
وجيتلك قوام لقيتك واحشني وحشة سنين
o geetlak 2awam la2etak wa7eshni w7shet senin
I rushed back to you ,and I found that I missed you, like years gone by
تصدق بمين..انا وقلبي كنا مش دريانين
tesadda2 be-min, ana o 2alby kona mosh daryanin
By Whom shall I swear ..
my heart and I, were not aware..
منين جينا والا فين رحنا والا احنا شفنا مين
menin geena o le fin ro7na wella e7na shofna meen
..Where we came from, where we gone , or whom we had seen
تصدق بمين
tesadda2 be-min
By Whom shall I swear (so you would believe me)
في مية الف حاجة مابيننا..
fi meet alf 7aga ma benna
There are a hundred thousand things in between
مش حاجة او حاجتين
mosh 7aga wala 7agteen
Not just one or two
ولو.. ننسى بعض انا وانت من بعض نروح فين
o law, nensa ba3d ana o inta men ba3d' nrou7 feen
And if we forget each other, you and I, to where shall we go
دا انا انت وكمان انت انا
da ana inta o kaman inta ana
For I am you, and you're me
وكأننا واحد وكل الناس بتندهلو باسمين
o ka2ennina wa7ed o kul el-nas btendahlo be-ismeen
like one person ,people call by two names
ما اخبيش عليك دا لو يوم بيعدي وا انا بين اديك
ma akhabbeesh 3alik da law youm bey3addi o ana been 2eedik..
Honestly ,a day that goes by (with me) in your arms..
يساوي ف عينيا ع الدنيا دي كمان دنيتين
yesawi fi 3enayya 3a ed-dunya deyya kaman dunyetin
Worth the world in my eyes ,
even more, twice
ما اخبيش عليك... ما باحلمش عمري غير بس بيك
ma bakhabbeesh 3alik, ma ba7lamsh 3omry 3'eer bass bik
Honestly lit( to tell the truth),I dream of no one, only you
ولا ابقى الا ليك..ولو ضعت مني اموت مرتين
wala ab2a illa lik, o law d'e3t menni amout marriteen
And to be only yours..and if I lose you,
I would die, twice
تصدق بمين
tesadda2 be-min
By Whom shall I swear (so you would believe me)
Syria ♥
لّا إِلَهَ إِلاَّ أَنتَ سُبْحَانَكَ إِنِّي كُنتُ مِنَ الظَّالِمِينَ
Suriyeli damarımda Türk kanı akıyor.
Hi Persiana!
Again sorry for my belated answer .
I think all the friends did a great job
and for "amry la rabbi" , it means I let you to god's punishment
( She means that she won't get back at him or she won't take revenge , instead god will avenge her of him )
Hope you got it ^^'
.. وذاك الذي لا يرى غيره
ولا يجد الخير خيـرا ً اذا لم يكن خيره
فــــــــراغ .. فـــــراغ
Its my first try guys, but I thought I'd pick masdouma as it matches my feelings at the moment Sorry if I get it all wrong, my arabic's not the best
يـــقول في حقـــي كلام كتـــر مـــش حلــــو ليـــه
Biy2ol fi ha2i kalam kitir mish 7ilw leh
Why does he talk about me in an unflattering way
بيـــقــول مــــليـــش لازمه ف حياتو من النهارده
Bi2ol malish lazma fi hayato min ilnaharda
He says he no longer has any need of me in his life
وعشــــان مهـــوش عــــارف يـــقول بـــغلط فــي ايــه
O 3ashan mahosh 3aref yi2ol ba3'lat fi eh
And because he doesnt know what to say
بيــــقول تعـــب منـــــي عشــــــان
مشـــــــــــاعـــــــري بـــارده
Bi2ol ti3ebt mini 3ashan masha3ri barda
He says he's tired because Im cold and unfeeling
لـــــو فيــّا عيـــــب مــــش عــــيــب يـــقــول للنـــاس عليــه
Law fiya 3ib mish 3ib iy2ol lilnash 3aleh
If theres a wrong within me isnt it wrong of him to tell others?
ويـــحاكي فيــــه .. مـــهو مـــش صغيـــر ع الكلام ده
wiy7aki fi...maho mish so3'ayar 3alkalam da
He's not young to do such a mistake
مصدومه بجد ومش بنطق ولا عارفه ارد
Masdoma ibgad o mish banta2 wala 3arfa arod
I'm really shocked, cant talk or argue back
مصدومه عشان شكلو فعيني بقى مش ولا بـــد
masdoma 3ashan shaklo fi3eni ba2a mish wala bod
shocked because he's grown smaller in my eyes
لـــــــو طـــول الوقـــت هنــــفضل نــــتـــكلم عــلى بعض
Law 6ol ilwa2t hanifdal nitkalem 3ala ba3d
If we're going to spend all the time talking about each other
ح نخلـــي ايـــه للغــــرب عشــــــان يحـــكو فيــه
han5ali eh lil3'orb 3alashan yi7ki fi
What are we going to leave the strangers to talk about?
ازاي بيـــنسى عشـــــانو يــامـــا عــــملـــــت ايـــــه
Izay biyinsa 3ashano yama 3milt eh
How could he forget everything I've ever done for him
بعـــد امّــا كـــل حـــاجه حلوة عـــرفـــها بيـــّا
Ba3d ama kol haga 7ilwe 3arfha biya
How could he forget all the nice things about me
معـــقـــول بـــقـيـت دلـــوقتي مـــــش حــــلوه ف عيــنــيــه
ma32ol ba2it dilwa2t mish 7ilwe fi 3ine
How is it possible that I'm no longer pretty in his eyes
معـــقـــول كمـــان كـــل العـــبر طلـــها فيّـــــا
Ma32ol kaman kol il3ibar 6al3ha fiya
How is it possible that he hasnt left me a good quality
بالخيــــــر انــــا مــــن يـــومــــي بــتــكــلم عليــــه
Bil5eir ana min youmi batkalam 3ale
I've always spoken well of him
وح يخســـر ايـــه
لــــو بالخيـــــر اتـــكــلم عليّـــا
O rah yi5sar eh law bil5eir itkalem 3alaya
What will he lose if he speaks well of me
مصدومه بجد ومش بنطق ولا عارفه ارد
Masdoma ibgad o mish banta2 wala 3arfa arod
I'm really shocked, cant talk or argue back
مصدومه عشان شكلو فعيني بقى مش ولا بـــد
masdoma 3ashan shaklo fi3eni ba2a mish wala bod
shocked because he's grown smaller in my eyes
لـــــــو طـــول الوقـــت هنــــفضل نــــتـــكلم عــلى بعض
Law 6ol ilwa2t hanifdal nitkalem 3ala ba3d
If we're going to spend all the time talking about each other
ح نخلـــي ايـــه للغــــرب عشــــــان يحـــكو فيــه
han5ali eh lil3'orb 3alashan yi7ki fi
What are we going to leave the strangers to talk about?
Wow. Its harder than it looks :S Somehow translation will never match the true feeling of arabic <3
Oh my just realised that there are four pages, only saw the first one Oooops someone beat me to it Oh well, theres the phonetics in mine
Thank u so much